During my drive up this morning I saw no one walking. As I started my sunrise walk I saw Laure with Champ & Molly starting her walk; I later saw them as they were finishing their walk. I saw Wendy with Bella & Mickey in the distance; she wears a safety vest so it is easier to spot her. I saw Lorraine by the park, her daughter wasn't with her today. I saw Romeo & Karpo; it looked like they had just finished their walk. At the lower end of the park I ran in to Gerry again; we talked for about 15 minutes this time. During my cool down stretches I did not see any regulars; I think it was because I was later than usual.
Thirteen minutes before sunrise on Maunalani. |
Four minutes after sunrise on Sierra. |
Dad was eating breakfast in bed when I arrived. He did not eat any of his fried egg sandwich today but he finished all his papaya and banana. He drank 120 ml cranberry juice but no water.
During my midmorning walk I saw Ron & Lily just as they were leaving their house in the car; I later saw them down at the park. There was a very large ball that Ron had in his car that was now out on the field but I did not see what they did with it; it's so large it takes up the whole back seat. Later I saw Peter coming down Lurline. During my cool down stretches on the 3rd floor lanaʻi I was able to get a good look at the tree that was trimmed earlier; they took quite a bit off but it will be back in no time.
I skipped lunch today, I was still feeling full from yesterday's lunch. Dad ate all his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and all the pie. He drank 120 ml juice but no water.
I left just after lunch today; I had to put in the
sushi order for the New Years dinner as well as buy some supplies for making other low carb dinners. I really need to get back to eating low carb again. The Potential Most Favorite Roommate brought home a batch of
nishime made by one of his clients; she gifts him with
nishime every year.
I was going to do more clean up, I was also only going to do a short nap before I started. I got up just before dinner.
Aue! I'm not sure why I am so tired. But I decided I needed to do the nap more than clean just to be on the safe side in case I am trying to fight something off.
I ended the evening watching
The Book of Eli with Kai. It is a post-apocalyptic movie that is like a blend of westerns and Asian martial arts. I was a little distracted by the protagonist saying he was directed by a voice to go west; someone was not diligent in shooting the scenes where he is walking west to make sure that the shadows cast indicated that he was indeed going west. For about 1/3 the scenes where he is on his journey he is actually walking east, about another 1/3 is west, and the final 1/3 is difficult to say since the shadow is too short for me to say definitively. (If we paused the movie and measured I am sure we could figure it out.)
Hauʻoli lā Hānau to niece Sarah! And also to Jesse, Lynne, Eric, & Ava! This also would have been the 2nd birthday of my Fitbit if it had lasted this long. And 11 years ago I started work on this day as a senior environmental planner for Public Works; I had 3 days seniority over all the other new hires from PDS that started on January 1st!