Monday, June 17, 2019

Life is Short ...

... eat dessert first! And that's exactly what Dad did at lunch time! And at nearly 95 years old, he deserves to be able to eat his dessert first if he wants to. I have witnessed at least one person who was here to help their kupuna at meals who would not let them eat dessert first. Aue!

When I arrived this morning, Dad was eating breakfast in the Orchid Dining Room; he was sharing a table with Mr. Shinagawa and later Mrs. Akiyama joined us. When I arrived Dad had already finished half of his fried egg sandwich, all of his banana, and most of his papaya; he had not touched any of the beverages. By the end of the breakfast period he had eaten half of his sandwich, all of the papaya, and drank 120 ml of apple juice.

Dad said he wanted to go back to his bed after  breakfast, but Thelma was cleaning his room so I got him to go out to the 2nd floor landing to sit & wait for her to finish. He enjoyed it so much he forgot about wanting to get back in to bed! We stayed out there another 90 minutes! In the meanwhile, I continued to have trouble with the Maunalani guest wi-fi; I had been on my hot spot since I arrived. Like at the lanaʻi off of the Castle Living Room, I was unable to get the signal from my hot spot due to the walls. But I could get signals from 7 nearby homes, once again including Kelly's network but also Rick & his guest signals; I don't know who Rick is. I went back in & got my hot spot since the Maunalani guest wi-fi would not work out on the landing.

I skipped the mid-morning walk; Dad was doing so good sitting in the wheelchair out on the 2nd floor landing. (They call it the "landing" to differentiate it from the big lanaʻi on the west side of the building that is accessed via the Orchid Dining Room. The one we eat lunch at.) One of the nice things about sitting out on the landing as opposed to sitting in Dad's room is that it is breezy & cool; at least today it was. Another positive point is that I take more frequent visual breaks, looking out in to the distance to give my eye muscles a rest; there are a lot more interesting things to look at!

Dad had to go back in for a potty break but once that was over we went out to the 2nd floor lanaʻi. Kiʻini had a bunch of the other residents out there; they were getting some fresh air and listening to music. After the other residents left to go to lunch we stayed out there; we were the only ones there for lunch. I was able to get signals from 62 networks! Of those 3 were not password protected, but they looked like they might be Internet-provider free wi-fi networks (CableWiFi, SpecturmWiFi, & TWCWiFi); the kind Kai has warned me not to use if at all possible. (Which is why I carry my own hot spot where ever the  laptop goes.)
CNA Kiʻini with Dad.
Here's the view of houses in Palolo Valley where all those wi-fi signals are coming from.

Lunch today was Pork Roast with gravy, Steamed rice, Edamame, Tossed salad, Strawberry white cake, and Vegetable soup. Dad ate all of his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and 2 pieces of cake! Again, if he wants 2 pieces, weʻll give him 2 pieces; he has deserved it.

While we were eating lunch a helicopter flew by. It was way too low, it was actually flying below the level of Maunalani! It was going up Palolo Valley, towards the Lanipo Trail. I wondered if some hikers were in trouble? I checked Hawaii News Now but didn't see anything.

After lunch Dad wanted to get back in to bed, he drifted off to sleep and had a very animated conversation with someone in his sleep about Uncle Kazu & his friends getting lost on a boat & drifting to Kaua'i. In the meanwhile his roommate Mr.Pires had 4 visitors that were evaluating him for physical & occupational therapy needs; they were rather loud and Dad woke up. But he was still partially in his dream; he kept asking them if they found the boat. I kept telling him, yes, they found the boat; but he wanted to hear it from them. CNA Jessa came in to check on him because he had accidentally rolled over on to the call button. She told him they found the boat and he was satisfied. But then he wanted ice cream. Once she got him the ice cream he stopped talking about the boat & concentrated on eating it. By the time he was done with the ice cream Uncle Kazu & the boat were forgotten. I ended up skipping my afternoon walk because Dad was so active in the afternoon.

Dad kept asking me what year it was. It turns out my t-shirt confused him; I will not be wearing it when I visit him.
During my morning walk it felt warmer than usual. It was 78 degrees F when I left the house; I think it was around 72 when I started my walk. The only regulars I saw while I was walking were Mary & Noe; I didn't see any regulars while I was doing my cool down stretches.  But I did see a mango deposition zone during my walk.
The temperature at the house as I left for my morning walk.
Clouds over Maunalani 14 minutes before sunrise.
Four minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Fourteen minutes after sunrise on Sierra.
Mango deposition zone.
The 4 young mynas following Mom & Dad around.

I went to pick up another drip irrigation kit; I will be using it for the baby hāpuʻu. I plan on digging them up and potting them so that they will be safe from mowing and other ground disturbing activities. I also picked up another mister for Kelly's hāpuʻu and an extra one if it turns out to be needed over the summer; I've also got a couple for the baby hāpuʻu plus 2 other types of misters.
These are the misters that I am using on Kelly's hāpuʻu.
I'm going to experiment on using these misters on the baby hāpuʻu.

They have been warning about heat-related illnesses on both the radio & television. We have been having unseasonably warm weather, breaking heat records on many days for the past few weeks with temperatures in the low 90's. Because I worked outdoors, I am aware of the symptoms of heat-related illnesses and am pretty good about keeping well hydrated & taking advantage of available shade; I have not had any problems with the heat.

It's Monday!

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Dan! I think. Facebook says it's today but my phone says its in February. Aue!

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