Friday, June 7, 2019

Now Solar Powered! ... For Reals!

This morning after breakfast, I checked the information on the meter again; the HELCo meter said I did not export anything to them last night. Aue! I checked the inverter and it was still showing the 1302 error code. I called Zachary and left a message for him. I checked back a couple hours later, no change; I called Zachary again, I left a message saying I was going to call their main number which was listed in the packet he gave me on Tuesday. I called, Emily answered; she has been the main person I have been talking with from the office. She was very helpful; it turns out Zachary forgot to tell me a couple other steps so she walked me through them. I also needed to turn the Tesla Powerwall on, then go to the main breaker panel for the house and turn the breakers for the inverter and battery on. Once I did that the error code went away and the inverter screen started showing instantaneous power production numbers as well as the lifetime power production number.

I gave Emily my password so she could get in to my Tesla energy account; she could see the panels producing power. But the Tesla app on my phone showed no power generation, just me drawing 0.3 kW from the grid. It took about 10 minutes of checking various screens & finding nothing happening while Emily could see power being generated. Then suddenly (i.e., I have no idea what I did to make it work) the screen changed and showed 3.3 kW being produced with 0.3 kW going to power things in the house and 3.0 kW going to charge up the Powerwall. Yay! Emily was seeing the same thing. Double Yay! She asked if I had any other questions. I asked, "When are they going to give you a raise for being so helpful!"

After I ended the call with Emily I decided to see how much energy it took to run the house. I turned on every light in the house, garage, and under the house. There were 3 fans running as well as the bug zapper, I plugged in my laptop and phone to charge, along with the router, and the new dehumidifier rod. Plus the refrigerator was running. It was around 0.7 kW with all that. Then I decided to see what the microwave added; I boiled a cup of water. The microwave on High took 1.5 kW all on its own; the panels were still able to handle that with ease and continued charging the Powerwall, though at a lower rate. So it appears my system is larger than my needs, but I think even with the smallest system it would still be so large since I have no air conditioner or other power hungry appliance. Here's what the screen on the app looks like; its almost as much fun to watch as the Cat Genie! This was taken at noon when I wasn't home so there's not much power being used; that's what it will be for most of the time.
(Photo by Patrick)

I kept watching the Tesla app to see how late the panels would produce power. On this very sunny day, at about 4 it was not producing enough power on its own to run the house so power from the Powerwall was being used to keep things running. Then around 6 the panels stopped producing power and all the power was coming from the Powerwall. When the Powerwall was fully charged, any excess power not used by the house was sent back through the grid. It is now about 11 and the Powerwall has only a 78% charge; I think it will last through the night so I am not drawing from the grid at all. It also says for today 72% of the power used was self-generated; that's because it got connected about 10 this morning. Of that 38% was from the panels and 34% was from the Powerwall.
Since they changed the meter I have used 5kWh from the grid.
I have sent back 2 kWh to the grid.
For a net usage of 2 kWh. Yes, I know the math doesn't add up; I think perhaps it is a rounding error.

I didn't walk this morning because I wanted to get the last box of dishes that I unpacked washed and put away before people came over this evening. So I birded by looking out the window at the front yard again. Here's my view of Maui while I was doing that.

Earlier in the week I had stopped by the Hawaiʻi Wildlife Center to let Patrick know I was available to take carriers and other things back for Feather & Fur; we arranged for today to be the pick up day. He jokingly said bring chips & salsa! I took him up on it and also brought guacamole. It was a big hit! I think I will make this my tradition when I take things back. I also got to meet Heidi who is the person filling Alexis' shoes as the wildlife rehab tech. I also met volunteers Momi and Liz who are from Oʻahu but came over for training for Momi to volunteer at the Zoo with the Manu-o-Ku starting in September. I also got to meet Frankie Lynn, Rae's hand-raised Grey Francolin that was abandoned by her mother shortly after hatching apparently due to several severe health issues; Frankie is thriving now with Rae's care. Linda & Marie were unable to join us today.
Frankie sits on Rae's arm while she checks out Momi's hand; note her deformed beak.
The reminder I put in the refrigerator so I don't forget the vitamins in the freezer!

After I left HWC, I went to Sunshine True Value to pick up more rat bait. Hāwī is becoming more touristy and I guess some people are not watching what's happening; on both the tourist and driver side. There's a new pedestrian crossing sign to make people pay more attention. I also went to Takata Store to get ice cream to go with the pie for tonight.

Tonight was my pie & ice cream get together with Lem, the Ohtas, & Jessie. I got real sugar and real cream for them to have with their coffee! Jessie brought some fresh kulolo that she got from her brother Ray; Arlene brought some fresh mountain apples from their yard.
Pie & ice cream and fresh kulolo!

Overall I feel like I got something done during this trip regarding unpacking the kitchen boxes; I emptied out 8 boxes. I washed a lot of dishes; that's what slowed me down with the unpacking. I was not about to put dishes back in the cabinet if they were not clean and usable. I also unwrapped the home-made rolling butcher block cart that I brought with me; I am hoping that Chris can help me repair the side leaf that was never attached even when I got it.
Look, Ma! Less boxes!
Things are looking less storage-like & more kitcheny.
I found this bag clip, it's at least 20 years old. It has some mean teeth on it unlike the ones from Ikea.

Here's the answer to yesterday's question. These are Chinese pretzel irons for making Chinese pretzels! I associate Chinese pretzels (tong wan) with the Lunar New Year but may be if you are Chinese you eat them at other times, I don't know. Apparently they have similar tools in Swedish and Mexican culture so you'll find them called other things as well.
This set made pretzels shaped like playing card suits.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Karin!

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