Thursday, October 18, 2018


Thursdays are usually my days to do the afternoon/evening shift with Dad, while Curtis does the morning shift. That's so I can do things like go to the credit union and/or bank, go grocery shopping, laundry, etc. Today, after I went to the bank I went to EARL, that's the name of a tiny little sandwich shop that you enter from the ProPark parking lot on 12th; I don't know what it stands for. I've walked by it many times going from wherever I parked to one of the restaurants on Waialae Avenue; this is the 1st time I've stopped to try it. I need to get there more often! (Then I can also torture Michael with trying to pronounce my name correctly!) I had the special which was a Shrimp Sando (which is shrimp salad with basil mayo, bacon, and spinach & tomato tossed with balsamic reduction) and a guava lemonade. I paid with my Hawaiian AirMiles credit card and had the receipt e-mailed to me; the receipt included a $5 off coupon good until December 17th. Maybe this can be one of the places I treat The Roommates to for dinner. (I've decided to take them out to dinner once a month.)    

I still do my walks even when I am not doing the morning shift; I don't mind the drive up to Maunalani to get started. And it turns out I'm not the only one who doesn't live on the hill that goes there; I have met at least 2 walkers and 1 dog owner that makes the special trip up there. Weather this morning was great for walking but I didn't see as many people as usual, not sure why. May be I was a little earlier than usual; I just needed to grab my water bottle before I headed out the door. I found a new mushroom in Jimmy's parking strip; I didn't collect it so I'm just calling it an LBM - Little Brown Mushroom. Yes, that's a real term field biologists sometimes use, like LBB - Little Brown Bird. It's for those things that are so small or so small & fast that you can't get a good ID on it in the short amount of time that you have but you make note of it because it is a piece of data.
There is a right-hand sundog behind the lamp post.
It might be a Hygrocybe or Entoloma; but I'll never know.

After I got home I hung out my laundry that I had washed last night. That's part of my "day off" routine; the laundry gets washed the night before and hung out after the morning walk. Unless there is precipitation, then I throw it in the dryer. But today was dry so I hung it out; the batch today included new beach towels that I bought for the Kohala house.

Shiro had another palliative chemo treatment this morning. Dr. Sylvester wanted to keep him for a few hours to observe how he reacted to the chlorambucil, watch his eating, and just get an overall sense of how he is doing right now, about 6 weeks after his diagnosis of lymphoma of the spleen. Good news! He gained 0.3 pounds since 2 weeks ago on October 4th, when he had lost that amount between then & when they had seen him on September 8th.

On the way back from the Cat Clinic I saw another of the traffic control boxes that had been painted by the artists. This one is at the corner of 7th & Harding.

I did my mid-morning walk after I returned from dropping Shiro off at the Cat Clinic. It wasn't quite as cool as in the morning but it was decent. I found another house gecko that had been caught by a Kolea but not eaten; you can see bruises on its body where the Kolea had held it.

During my afternoon walk there was a little bit of aggressive behavior by the Kolea at the park. The Kolea that I had seen previously up by the parking area flew down to the field and was promptly chased off by one of the Kolea that hangs out at the field; the other Kolea remained on the field foraging.

When I checked in at the reception desk CNAs Janae & Sam saw my tattoo. Janae has some tattoos on her fingers; she said those hurt more than the one on her  back. She said her favorite tattoo is the arrow with the infinity symbol; it reminds her that life continues so if she is having a bad day it will change.

Dad ate 1/2 of his egg salad sandwich for dinner (25%) and all of his supplements. He had been asleep for most of the time since I arrived in the afternoon; he was only awake for about 10 minutes when he wanted some water.

Happy Birthday to Maria!

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