Sunday, October 28, 2018

More Mushrooms

During my morning walk I was finding many more mushrooms that have come up since we have been having more precipitation events. There was a whole bunch at the house of the currently unknown person; I was hoping to see someone there either today or tomorrow since Monday is black bin pick-up day. There was a mushroom that opened up on Jimmy's parking strip but someone broke the cap; I put some of the larger pieces on the footing for the fence to see if they will drop some spores there. I also found a similar looking mushroom near the covered viewpoint at Maunalani.

Lots of mushrooms on the unknown person's lawn!
Mushroom parts at Jimmy's.
Mushroom at Maunalani.

While I was doing my cool down stretches at the covered viewing area, I also found some kauna'oa (dodder, Cuscuta sandwichiana); it was twining around the ground cover. I thought I had seen a mass of it at the park in the upper forested part, but it is a ways from the sidewalk so I never investigated thoroughly. It is a parasitic plant, taking its nutrients from the plants it is climbing on; the article linked above calls it 'Vegetable Vampire'. Kauna'oa is the official flower for the island of Lana'i and makes beautiful lei.
Kauna'oa is the thin yellow strands on the groundcover at Maunalani.

Dad was up and eating breakfast in bed; he refused the rest of the food but finished most of the papaya, about half of an apple banana, and all his supplements.

This morning Lori's mother Barbara shared some omiyage that her daughter-in-law brought back from Japan. A short while later Kristie came by with a little Halloween goodie bag!

During my mid-morning walk I made a special trip to check for the kauna'oa at the park. It looks like the big mass I saw is gone; possibly weed whacked into little bits, which might spread it more. I did find a smaller patch nearby. I also met Wendy on Maunalani Circle; I think she lives on Lurline, she went down that way when we split up and I went down Sierra to the park but I didn't see her as I was walking up Lurline. She doesn't walk fast enough to have completed the entire length of Lurline before I started back up on Lurline. I also saw a Cattle Egret hunting along the edge of the road; I think this is the one I see all the time, it was pretty calm with everything happening around it.

Kauna'oa on ground cover at the park.
Cattle Egret hunting along the edge of Sierra Drive by the park.

Lunch today was Pork loin roast, Steamed rice, Tossed salad, Seasoned green beans, Caramel cheesecake, and Garden vegetable soup. Dad ate none of the solid food including the dessert I gave him and he only drank a little of the Boost Plus; he's been having a little problem with constipation.

I got a bunch of answers during my afternoon walk; I saw someone in the driveway of the house with all the mushrooms! I had seen the guy before, I correctly surmised that he was just the lawn guy. I asked him if it was OK to pick a couple of mushrooms since he was going to get rid of them anyway; he said OK. As I picked a few of them, I was able to see that the gills were slightly green, which meant they were Chlorophyllum molybdites. I told him what they were & that they weren't edible. Across the street I saw another one in the parking strip next to the bus stop; I will be checking it tomorrow to see whether the gills are turning green. 

The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes and I went out to dinner at Hale Vietnam Restaurant tonight; The Potential Most Favorite Roommate was working till late, we picked up food for him. The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes had the Vietnamese Fried Rice and one of the phos. I had the Bun Bo Xao Xo Ot aka Lemongrass Beef Noodle. We picked up Chicken Curry for The Potential Most Favorite Roommate.
Clockwise from left: Pho, Vietnamese Fried Rice, & pho toppings,
Bun Bo Xao Xo Ot aka Sauteed Lemongrass Beef.

Hale Vietnam is right next door to Via Gelato; The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes and I had the same idea: dessert from Via Gelato! He had the Cookies & Cream and I had the Dark Chocolate Gelato.

The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes is practicing giving Shiro his prednisolone so he can do it while I'm gone. Fortunately he has 3 different options this time. Last night Shiro ate half a tablet of the Gourmeds prednisolone in a pill pocket; an hour later he ate the other half. Although Shiro has been very good about me giving him a regular prednisolone tablet by mouth, I think the Gourmeds chewable prednisolone might be the way to go for The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes; Shiro ate it all in one sitting tonight. If he gets picky and won't eat it, The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes can give it to him orally as a liquid with a syringe so that he doesn't have to have his fingers so close to those sharp teeth!

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