Tuesday, October 30, 2018

ProVision Solar

Elmar from ProVision Solar came by this morning to get a detailed look at the roof, the location for the Tesla battery, the existing panel, and the existing meter. We talked about placement of the various parts; Chris & Adam were here to start work on reinforcing the wall that the  battery would hang on. Elmar asked if it was okay to have the base on the floor and just anchor the top; I said sure. That made Adam's work really simple; instead of beefing up the whole wall all he had to do was install 2 studs as anchor points. There will be other work for them to do.

I woke up to find 2 green anoles staring at me from the window. They were stuck on the inside of the screen. I'm not sure how they got in but they couldn't find their way out so I had to catch them and put them outside.

It turned brown because it was stressed from the handling.
This one was much easier to catch.
Free at last!

While chucking the last one out I noticed a gray francolin walking down the driveway. There's one that does that early in the morning and makes its funny, almost turkey-like call as its walking down the driveway. This one was silent.

While Elmar was on the roof I went around and checked out the plants in the anthurium garden. I also took a close look at the hapu'u that has to get moved. It is very healthy and has a lot of keiki. When I meet the person that owns the tree fern that I am 90% sure is the invasive Australian tree fern I am going to offer to cover the cost of removing and replacing it with a hapu'u. If we can't find one on O'ahu, I am going to offer to make a cutting off of this hapu'u that needs to be moved before the expansion of the sewing room; there are about 6 large starts and a whole bunch of smaller ones. I am kind of thinking I want to see about making a bunch of starts off of it and planting more hapu'u in other parts of the property. Because they grow so slowly I know I won't be able to see the results but I can imagine what they would look like; the one that needs to be moved is over 50 years old!
Big, healthy tree fern.
Some of the smaller keiki.

I had the 2 very big junipers that were shading the calamansi & Meyer lemon removed. It has also opened up a view to Maui from the living room. I am now reconsidering what I replace them with. I am still thinking about something native but also one that doesn't get so tall that it blocks the view of Maui.
On a clear day I should be able to see Maui out this window now.

I spent a bunch of time cleaning up the house in preparation for Aunty Diasy's arrival tomorrow. While doing that I realized the rotating bar on the vacuum cleaner was a tangled mass of hair! It's a combination of my hair and Kai's hair - his is longer than mine. The vacuum is working much better now.
The stuff that was removed.
If I pay attention I should be able to see from the top side when it gets all tangled with hair.

While cleaning up one of the rooms I found a mummified slug; it had crawled in the window and died on the window sill. I think it got baked in the sun & dehydrated.
Dehydrated slug.

I also installed the LED bug zapper lights that I got from Hammacher Schlemmer; we'll see how well the one on the front porch works. I discovered that the one at the back porch won't work very well; I forgot it is on a circuit with the garage light so if I leave the bug zapper function on that means the garage light is also on. I will have to install that light some where else.

With LED and zapper on.
With only zapper on.

I ate the other omiyage from Barbara for breakfast. It' a piece of cake! No, really it is; a piece of castella cake. It came with its own little plastic folding knife! It was excellent!

I ended the evening on the treadmill. I set it for 3.0 mph and walked until I had covered 4.2 miles; which is my daily goal for this week. Good news, I did it all at once, not in 3 walks like I do up at Maunalani. I felt great when I was done so I know I will be able to walk at least half the course all at once!
It's supposed to say 84:20 minutes but some of the lights are burned out.

Happy Birthday to Kai-Chin!

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