Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Book is Here!

Amazon said it would arrive tomorrow, but Mushrooms of Hawai'i: An Identification Guide was in the mailbox when I got home today! This is the 2002 book that has been reprinted in paperback. I read up on C. molybdites and found that C. rhacodes does not occur here. Oh, well. I also found there are not as many edible mushrooms here as in Washington, which may be why there are no mushroom clubs here; generally people go out on forays to find edible mushrooms, not for the joy of being able to identify mushrooms that they can't eat. I don't mind if I can't eat it; I think it's that field biologist gene again!

This morning's walk was on the warm side, not many clouds in the sky. I saw Gwen & Kea again on my morning walk; Gwen's daughter Carly was with them this morning. Gwen asked about the spore print; I told her the mushroom had green spores indicating it was the species that was not edible.

On my mid-morning walk I saw new mushrooms at Jimmy's; I don't think they'll mature. They are in too much direct sun and we haven't had enough rain to saturate the soil & mycelium. I am going to keep watching them so that I can do a spore print to see what it is because although the mushroom book says C. rhacodes does not occur here it also didn't say how mushrooms such as C. molybdites arrived here and how easily others could arrive.

Lunch today was Shepherd's pie, Seasoned broccoli florets, Tossed salad, Ambrosia, and Chicken & wild rice soup. I don't think I've ever had shepherd's pie before; I wasn't sure what I would find on my plate. I don't remember ever seeing anything on my plate that looked like that. If you are serving a lot of people, many of whom need their food chopped or pureed, it seems like a good thing to serve.

The afternoon walk was also a little hot, though not as hot as last week; the trades are back! And the temperature is also a little cooler. Only one of the Kolea was at the field this afternoon, I couldn't see or hear the other one.

I've been emailing & talking with Wakana, cousin Scott's wife. They are planning on bringing Aunty Daisy here just before Halloween; they're staying about a week and also plan to go to the Big Island. I will be providing transportation, housing, & tour guide services for them while they are on the Big Island. I will also be meeting with ProVision to get the next step done for the solar PV installation.

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