Monday, October 15, 2018

Perfect Walking Weather!

For me, at least. I prefer it when it is lightly misting and totally overcast with a light breeze. These are also good field days. The mist keeps you cool while you are out working or walking. Wearing raingear only gets you wet from sweat; sometimes you are wetter than if you didn't wear the raingear! Needless to say, I saw much fewer people on my morning walk today than I had over the past few non-precip days.
Morning sky.
Mist moving offshore.

Dad was in bed with his full breakfast in front of him: scrambled eggs, bacon, scone, and papaya. I was able to get him to eat a couple bites each of the scrambled eggs and scone; he finished all the supplements.

My mid-morning walk was not quite as cool as my morning walk; the cloud cover was broken and sunlight streamed through in patches. There were even less people walking this time.
Mid-morning sky.

Lunch today is Baked furikake mahimahi, Wild rice pilaf, Steamed edamame, Tossed salad, Strawberry cloud cake, and Tomato Basil soup. Dad ate 1/4 of his sandwich, none of the cake, and all of his supplements.

The clouds during my afternoon walk was once again blanketing the sky. The Kolea were on the field, both at the same end of the field.
Afternoon sky.

Every morning I make my bed. It is getting more difficult to make since I have been letting the cats sleep with me; they won't move as I pull the sheet and bedspread around them.

I have discovered that I have not been using enough sunscreen. According to Wikipedia you should be using 2 mg of lotion on every square centimeter of exposed skin or about 6 teaspoons. Which is about 1/2 teaspoon on each arm, a little over 1 teaspoon for each leg, the front, and the back of the trunk. I should be using 1/4 teaspoon on my face and 1/4 on my neck & ears. Another way to think about it is as a golf ball size of lotion for your body.
The amount of sunscreen needed for your face.

My friend Ku'ulei from high school now lives in Japan; she is here visiting but leaves tomorrow. She came for a visit along with her friend & roommate Yukie who is traveling with her. Ku'ulei brought me a bag of Wasabi Mayo flavored crackers as omiyage.
Yukie & Ku'ulei (R) after performance at Sheraton Waikiki last week. (unknown photographer)

Happy Birthday to Mrs. Iseri, JoAnn, & cousin Michael!

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