Sunday, October 14, 2018

No 'Shrooms at Jimmy's

The mushrooms at Jimmy's are gone. I think he let them stay for a couple of days so I could pick them, then decided to get rid of them. Many people don't realize that just getting rid of the mushrooms won't prevent other mushrooms from coming up. Mushrooms are the fruiting body of fungi; like apples on an apple tree. Mushrooms sprout from the mycelium mat growing underground, not from any spores the mushroom that they just picked would release; that boat sailed a long time ago. The mushrooms at the unknown person's lawn were doing well during my mid-morning walk but they were gone during my afternoon walk.
Unknown mushrooms on lawn of unknown person; they weren't there in the afternoon.

Dad was just finishing breakfast when I arrived at Maunalani. He refused to eat anything again but had finished all his liquid supplements. He didn't want to get out of bed; he wanted to sleep so I let him. He didn't want to get up for the Namaste massage either, so he slept til lunch.

The sun during my mid-morning walk was not obscured by any clouds at all; thankfully we still had tradewinds so it was not as hot as it was a couple weeks ago. Or perhaps I am getting used to it? My phone was very glitchy; it wouldn't even take photos. I always initially forget what Kai asks me when things like this happen & I ask him to fix it: Did you do a Shut Down, Restart yet? So I did, but not after trying to work around it since last night. It is now working again. However, while it was shutting itself down it Paused the Walking app & I didn't know that happened, so I didn't restart it. So it shows that I did a whopping 0.06 miles in 1 minute! I am going to count it as 1.6 miles since I have done this very same walk numerous times and know it is more like 1.65 miles.
This is the sunshine I had to deal with during the mid-morning walk.
Dried out slug that didn't make it back to shelter before the sun came out.

Lunch today was Roast beef, Mashed potatoes, Seasoned green beans, Garden salad, Blonde brownie, and Potato chowder. Dad ate 1/2 of his sandwich (25%) and all of his supplements.

I forgot to put my water bottles in the freezer last night and I forgot to fill up my insulated water bottle & put it in the refrigerator. So this morning I put 6 ice cubes in the insulated water bottle & cold water in the other water bottles. In the beginning the water was comparable, but towards lunch & after the water was noticeably warmer, though not warm, than when I remember to freeze the water bottles.

My afternoon walk was under a patchy sky. It was a little cooler than any of my other walks. For most of my walk I was under the shadow of the cloud; it only came out just as I approached the lower parking lot.

During one of my cool down stretches I noticed that I could see more of the islands. After doing some on-line research I think that what I am seeing is Haleakala on Maui behind Moloka'i with Lana'i off to the right. I will take my binoculars tomorrow to get a better view.
Moloka'i, Maui, & Lana'i on the horizon.

Happy Birthday to Fran & Zab!

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