Sunday, November 4, 2018

Hippo Time

At weigh-in this morning I found that I had gained 2.4 pounds over the 5 days since my last weigh-in just before I went to the Big Island. It was expected, I did not follow Ruben Meerman's equation for weight loss; eat less + move more + breathe. I did the breathe part but ate more & moved less! I gained about 0.48 pounds per day which is more than I gained when I went to Michigan; I only gained 0.46 pounds per day on that trip. The last time I was close to that weight was September 2nd; I have set myself back 2 months! Auwe!
Must. Not. Eat.

I was a little late for my morning walk, about 10 minutes; I was fixing Shiro's new food that I am trying. It's freeze-dried raw food; he seemed to like it this morning, he drank all the water that had not been absorbed by the freeze-dried nuggets first, then started working on the nuggets. He ate about a third of it this morning, when I got back in the evening most of it was gone!

Because I was a little late, the sun was higher in the sky and it was a little hotter than usual, though it was still pleasant. Because I was a little late I didn't see any of the regulars that I usually see. It started to drizzle near the end of my walk, it was refreshing and there was a rainbow!

I was back on schedule for my mid-morning walk; I saw Tom with Mero & Jellie and Omar with Mei-mei & Rocco.

When I got back I went to talk to Chloe about signing up for lunch; she had already signed me up. I thanked her & told her I had forgotten since I was on vacation & just getting back in to the routine. She asked if I had gone to the Big Island again, it turns out her boyfriend Forrest, who was visiting with her today, is from Kapa'au! In fact, his family lives on the same road about a half mile down the hill from us! We had a great visit. His mother Dawn raises bees & sells her honey at the Hawi Farmers Market; I'll have to see if I can make it to the farmers market the next time I am there on a Saturday.

Lunch today was Saucy cabbage roll, Steamed rice, Tossed salad, Apple pie, and Thai chicken curry & rice soup. I gave the pie to Dad; don't need any more hippo food! Dad only drank a little of his supplements. Curtis said when they weighed Dad he was 134 pounds, which is about 10 pounds more than what he was last month. Yay!

For my afternoon walk I was on autopilot. I was supposed to leave from the upper parking lot, walk down to the park, then walk back up to the lower parking lot for about 0.7 miles. Instead, I walked around Maunalani Circle, then down to the park! I ended at the lower parking lot to keep the walk shorter; it was 0.96 miles so I ended up doing 4.37 miles today. Which may not be as bad as I thought when I was walking. On my chart I should be increasing to 4.5 miles today; but since I hardly walked last week I was going to repeat last week's 4.2 miles. But then that would mean I would be doing 4.7 miles next week, which is quite a jump. So I think I will do these routes this week and log 4.3 to 4.4 miles per day. I have 15 more weeks to work myself up to 8.2 miles per day.

Today is Mom's birthday but since I had to stay with Dad this evening I was unable to take a lei up for her. I will do that next week after Curtis returns from Las Vegas.

Maunalani participates in the Kaimuki Christmas Parade. Apparently they have been doing it for a while and was featured as the Grand Marshal for the parade in 2016. They're looking for residents, family, or friends to join them in the parade. May be I should join them. Google Maps says the route is 0.8 miles long and takes 16 minutes to walk; the whole thing is uphill but I should be able to do it. Actually, I had better be able to do it! That will be 10 weeks before the Great Aloha Run.

 Happy Birthday to Faith! And Happy 41st Anniversary to Debbie & Chad!

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