Thursday, March 14, 2019

Happy Pi Day!

Nerds celebrate today as Pi Day since the date could be written as 3.14. When I was working we  would raise money for the Volunteers of America foodbank during the month of March. Our team organized Java Junction, serving Kona coffee on Monday mornings during the month; I supplied the coffee and still do. I was in charge of organizing a Pi Day Pie Auction; I'm not sure if they still do that. Here are 2 pies from an earlier Pi Day celebration baked by 2 engineers.
Pi Pie by Lisa.
Pi Pie by Nova; check out her cool pi pie pan.

On the drive up I passed Ona & Rio; I later saw them walking on the circle, then they were a bit ahead of me as we went down Sierra. I also saw Steph; she was at the bus shelter resting after having walked up Wilhelmina Rise. Shortly after I left Steph I saw Lorraine; I hadn't seen her for a while. It turns out she was in Australia & New Zealand for 3 weeks; she had a great time, she recommended going to the Stratosfare Restaurant in Auckland. Near the end of my walk I saw Beam & Kira; Beam had hurt her ankle so they weren't going to walk very far this morning. Kira had on a pink polka dot dress & pink shoes which she chose to wear; she was still saying, "Mouse, mouse." Just before the end of my walk I crossed paths with the Dog Pack; I haven't seen them for a while either.
Seven minutes  before sunrise on Maunalani.

I forgot to take a photo of the sunrise from Sierra! I'm not sure what was going on, I know there wasn't an overly large concentration of birds or a unique species. And it didn't rain. It only misted when I was doing my cool down stretches. Not sure what happened. Oh well.
Some people here try to  call this 'rain'.

Dad had breakfast in bed this morning. He ate half of his fried egg sandwich and a couple pieces of papaya, he finished all of his Breeze supplement.

The mid-morning walk was under scattered clouds but there was hardly any breeze so it was hot! I checked the hāpuʻu; it was somewhat moist but I think its still too dry to withstand the heat of the day. I also found a flattened Jackson's Chameleon on the street in front of Mimi's house.

PP1. The sun is not co-operating, I wanted to show how much sun the ferns get.
They were drier than I wanted them to be.
Dead invasive male Jackson's Chameleon.

For lunch they served Meat jun, Steamed rice, Steamed corn, Tossed salad, Brownie, and Chicken jook. Dad had his usual 1/2 peanut butter & jelly sandwich and the brownie; he finished the pbj quickly, then took a nap. He drank all his Breeze supplement.
This is actually Dad's lunch.

The afternoon walk was the hottest one of the day. The hāpuʻu was too dry for my comfort. I tried to check again around 4; I waited until 4:05 because I thought I reset it at 4 but it did not go on. I had to leave to run some errands; I will have to check again tomorrow.

PP1. At 3 pm.

While I was walking by Suzette's place she wanted to show me how she is preparing her garden for moving. While she was cleaning up the plants she saved a bunch of starts from the succulents; she gave them to me for The Potential Most Favorite Roommate. When I went to pick them up after my walk I discovered that Suzette has a halfway decent view of the tree I was trying to see from Kelly's; too bad she is moving in a couple weeks.
The mainly leafless tree is the one I'm interested in. From the landing at Maunalani I can see birds go in but I am too far away to see what else is happening.

I went to Don Quijote to pick up some things to fill out the box I am sending to Kai with the Pocky from Mrs. Iseri. While there I decided to pick up some broth and/or bouillon; I would decide after reading the labels which one I would get. One label was very interesting; I have never seen one before that stated it was made with "genetic engineering." What does that mean? I did not get that one.

The Potential Most Favorite Roommate made dinner tonight, corned beef & cabbage; must be something about St. Patrick's Day. Anyway, he made it extra soupy for me so I can drink the broth. I have considerate roommates!
Corned beef & cabbage.
My bowl of broth and a tiny chunk of corned beef.

One of the kittens is peeing around the house in places where the old clay cat litter box used to be; I think it is S'mores because I have seen Luna using the Cat Genie 3 times already. Tomorrow The Roommates will do a test; one of them will be isolated in the bathroom & the other will be allowed to roam. If the roaming one pees in anything other than the Cat Genie we will find it. (Or, I should say, I will find it. Because I found it yesterday & today!)

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Alvin & Aleta!

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