Friday, March 15, 2019

It's Papaya Time!

Today was my day to do the evening shift so I can run errands & do other tasks in the morning. After my morning walk at Maunalani, I returned home & picked papayas and cleaned up the old, dead leaves on the plants. There are about 60 green papayas each on the 2 most productive plants and about 30 on the one that doesn't produce as much. I didn't include flowers in this count, so I will be harvesting at least 150 papayas this year! I have already missed about 6 or 8 fruits that the birds got when I was busy getting ready for my trip and when I was off-island. These first few are mostly smaller than what you would find at the grocery store, but there will be market-sized ones in a few weeks. It looks like they are producing more than they did the 1st year.
The productive plants before I cleaned them up & picked the ripening fruit. Yes, that is an extension ladder that I am using to get up there to pick the fruit.
After clean-up & harvest; we're going to have a lot of papayas!
Today's harvest. The largest one is the size that you find in the local markets.

I set my Fitbit alarm to go off an hour before sunrise, or for this morning at 5:40. My goal is to leave the house at least 25 minutes before sunrise so that I have 15 minutes to leisurely drive up and be ready to walk 10 minutes before sunrise, or at 6:30 this morning. This morning I got up at 6:06! Oh, no! I forgot to charge my Fitbit so it was dead & unable to wake me up; I had to get up on my own. To meet my goal I needed to leave by 6:15, I didn't make it. But because I build in a little extra time I was still able to start walking before sunrise, but just barely! There were noticeably fewer birds on the beginning part of my walk; I think it was a combination of me being later than usual & there being less clouds so the birds had more light earlier than usual. Oh well, I'll have to get better about checking the battery level on my Fitbit. On the plus side, the hāpuʻu was still nice & moist from its watering about 3 hours earlier. I saw Ona & Rio, Steph, and Lorraine today! I also saw Caroline & Olive today; Caroline asked if I knew of good places to bird. I told her I would ask around since I have not had a chance to really bird since I have been back.
Three minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Fourteen minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

During my cool down stretches this morning, Suzette stopped by. Yesterday when I picked up the succulents she told me that while I was gone she had received an eviction notice and had till the end of the month to move out. I had assumed it was because the house had been sold and it was one of the people that had wanted to tear it down & rebuild. But then another For Rent sign showed up yesterday after I left. She said she's not sure what's going on since it is the same landlord she has had; she had also assumed it had sold. Auwe!

Just before I left the house to do my mid-morning walk I found that one of the kittens had peed by the window again. I texted a photo to The Roommates whom the kittens belong to and suggested they clean better and also steam clean the area. A couple hours later The Potential Most Favorite Roommate texted that he had swept, mopped, & steam cleaned the whole area. He is becoming a More Favorite Roommate! He has now isolated Luna in the bathroom; if the pee appears again, it will mean that S'mores is the culprit. If there is no pee after 24 hours, then we will let Luna out and isolate S'mores and see what happens.
Hmmmm, clean up last night was not as good as it needed to be. Someone still thinks the litter box is here.

During my mid-morning walk there was some police activity on Maunalani Circle. They were parked near the Hale Nohea private nursing home. I am wondering if someone died and they were called to verify the death; I have seen them at Maunalani on 2 occasions when there was a death. (And once when there was a visitor that was behaving badly and already had a judge's order that she was not allowed there unless her sister was also present.)

I skipped the afternoon walk, I decided since I was doing the evening shift I could walk after Dad went to sleep. I needed to do a bunch of banking as well as mail a package off to Kai; it's the package with the Pocky sticks from Mrs. Iseri. Because of the line at the first bank I will have to complete my banking at the second bank next week. I think that's the down side of having Fridays as my banking day; I have noticed that lines are longer on Fridays, especially after lunch.

Dad was willing, so I took him up to the Veterans Club meeting this afternoon. Today several students from the Punahou ROTC program came to play music for the residents. Lorraine played the flute and will be going to West Point next year, Seijin played the piano, Connor played the violin, and Brandon played the guitar. Seijin was very nice, before she left she took a little time to talk to Mrs. Kim in Korean.
ROTC Cadet Lorraine playing the flute for the residents.

Oh, no! I think I swallowed one of my sutures! It didn't feel quite right & seemed to be throbbing a bit more when I walked up the hill today. I kind of poked around with my tongue and it was too smooth, although I did kinda feel a fissure. I hope it heals up nicely so food won't get stuck in there; I don't think I could handle a few more weeks of liquid diet. Since it is still throbbing I am going to take the acetaminophen for a couple more days; today was scheduled to be my last day on it.

After the Veterans Club meeting they had karaoke. I have never been fond of listening to people sing off key so I avoid it, if possible, but I put up with the kupuna doing karaoke; it helps them exercise their throat muscles. Today, however, the off key singing and volume were making my incision throb. Or maybe it was because it was time for me to take another acetaminophen.

While the Veterans Club meeting was going on CNA Sheri was making decorations for Maunalani's Japanese Heritage Month events.
Sakura decorations in progress.

I had originally intended to do my last walk after Dad went to sleep and I left Maunalani. But I was feeling tired; I think its the liquid diet. I took a photo of the sunset.
Two minutes before sunset at Maunalani.

I had more of the corned beef & cabbage broth for dinner tonight. My second course was beef broth with apocalypse cheese melted in to it. I'm still hungry. And my incision is throbbing.
The first course.
The second course.

Tonight its just me and the kitties. All of the roommates are spending the night elsewhere. Its very quiet.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Lisa! Today would have also been Chibi's 12th birthday.

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