Wednesday, August 21, 2019

New Phone!

The new (or maybe refurbished) Galaxy S7 arrived yesterday. I tried to transfer the data from the old to the new last night but I didn't have the right kind of cable; so we stopped by Verizon after lunch. Amanda helped us transfer the everything over; some parts took longer than others. And I had already managed to transfer most of what I needed; I just didn't know where to find it in order to know that I had successfully transferred it. Aue!
I took photos so I could remember what my screens looked like.
I was especially bummed that I would lose my Big Island map wallpaper.

For lunch we met up with some of my former Environmental Services co-workers at Thai Gusto. I got to spend time with Clarissa, Terri, Beth, Mary, Greg, Monica, Darla, Brenda, Melody, and Crilly. I had a great time catching up with everyone. Darla gave me a jar of her excellent Bodacious Blackberry Jam! I also found out Susan is retiring and next Friday is her retirement party; I've got it on my calendar and hope to be able to attend and see even more people!

After lunch we stopped at Z Sport to make an appointment to get the old 1992 Subaru checked out since Kai will be driving more. Chuck got us in for tomorrow; we made arrangements to drop the Subaru off after taking a load of Kai's things to his storage unit that's a block away.

The next stop was Brown Bear Car Wash which was 2 blocks away. Kai said there was about a pound of pine needles on the hood that needed to be removed before they opened up the car, otherwise it would make a big mess. (They're really Douglas Fir needles; but we won't tell the non-biologist.) Unfortunately I didn't take a before photo when the car looked more green than blue. I was quite surprised at how much cleaner it looked when they were done!

It's blue again!

When we got back to the house I took a short break to do my eBird checklist for the day. I heard a bunch of birds and saw a Rufous Hummingbird come to the feeder.
My birding location ...
... and the adjacent woods.
Hummingbird at feeder.

After my break, we loaded up the boxes that Kai had already packed. He had one box that was quite large that was loaded with books. He asked me to help him get it to the car. I told him I thought it would be a better idea to split it up because the next time he went to move it he might not have someone there to help him move it; so he split it into 4 boxes! We took that load to storage in rush hour traffic; we'll have to plan better on the next trip, it was horrible! We dropped the Subaru off at Z Sport when we were done.

Michael made dinner again tonight: pork chops and cauliflower with Parmesan cheese. We also finished off the broccoli and mushroom stir fry from last night.

After dinner I took Louie for a walk around the neighborhood.
The Wood's woods.

Today is the 4 year anniversary of my original Samsung Galaxy S5; that is not the phone that is currently giving me problems. I changed the old one out in 2017; so I guess they have about a 2 year life span. When I buy another new phone I will have to invest in the insurance policy again. If I remember correctly it was like around $100; a good deal, I have gotten 2 phones out of it!

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