Sunday, November 10, 2019

Aloha Oe, Tomiko & David!

Tomiko & David left today; I gave them a ride to the airport. But before that we stopped at Nico's at Pier 38 for lunch. Tomiko had the Garlic Panko Crusted Opah with lobster garlic cream sauce, David had the Pier 38 Fish Burger, and I had the Furikake Pan-Seared Ahi.

The view from our table.
Garlic Panko Crusted Opah. (Photo by David)
Pier 38 Fish Burger. (Photo by David)
Furikake Pan-seared Ahi.

I didn't see any regulars on my drive up but I did see a few people during my walk. I saw The Motorcycle Guy's bike parked near the Lanipo Trail head. Later I saw Wendy in the distance walking Mickey & Bella. I also saw LaVie and Calvin the Recycler. During my cool down stretches I only saw Mike & Laure & The Dog Pack.
Thirty minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Eighteen minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
One minute after sunrise on Sierra.

While I was walking below the park I heard a bunch of squawking. It was a large flock of Rose-ringed Parakeets flying overhead; there must have been at least 50 of them!

I also saw Shiro and Miss Paula's cats this morning.
Miss Paula's feral cats.

The pumpkins are starting to decompose. I am actually quite impressed with them; with the hot weather I expected them to go much faster than this.

Dad was eating breakfast in bed when I arrived. He only ate his papaya this morning, he did not  touch the fried egg sandwich or banana. He drank 120 ml cranberry juice but no water.

During my mid-morning walk I saw The Motorcycle Guy and introduced myself; his real name is Elijah. And it was him I saw a couple days ago coasting down Sierra on a mountain bike. He likes to come up to the trail to hangout and chill. Later I saw Mary & Noe by the park, then again on their way down Lurline. They said they usually only walk in the early morning when I usually see them. I also saw LaVie again; she is one of the walkers that I see numerous times during the day. I saw Mark driving by with his mother Barbara, as well as Alex & Kylie. During my cool down stretches I saw Peter walk by. I left right after my mid-morning walk to pick up Tomiko & David.

Since Curtis left for Las Vegas this evening, he did not come to Maunalani. I was going to go back in the afternoon since today is bath day for Dad. but I fell asleep.

While looking up nutritional information on my meals for today I came across a really cool blog, The Domestic Man. The author, Russ Crandall, says,"I started The Domestic Man in 2010 with the idea that we as humans have become domesticated, and have lost touch with our lineage. In many cultures, we have stopped passing down culinary traditions from one generation to the next. Today, an alarming number of Americans don’t know where our food comes from or how to prepare it beyond taking it out of a box and heating it up. This blog is meant to be a solution to the growing indifference to one of the most basic elements that make us human. ... After starting this blog, I realized that I didn’t really need to invent new creations to enjoy whole, unprocessed foods; instead, naturally delicious (and nutritious) meals can be found nestled in the pages of history." I like his concept and what I have read on his blog.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Tina & Trish!

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