Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Dad's New Roommate

Shortly before lunch Brad came in and added a name tag to the wall plaque by Bed #2. Dad's new roommate was scheduled to arrive around 1 pm but got there closer to 2 pm. I skipped the afternoon walk; I wanted to be around while there was a lot of activity going on in order to keep Dad calm if it upset him. Mr. Wise & his partner Chris were much quieter than Dad's last roommate so things went smoothly; Dad slept through most of it.

On the drive up I passed Ona & Rio on Lurline; while walking later I saw them on the circle, then again as they headed back home on Sierra. I also saw Lynnette & June twice on my walk this morning. And I saw Calvin the Recycler flattening cans so he would have room in his bags for more. As I passed The Other Wendy's house, she came out to dump some garbage; both Wendy's live on the same street about a block apart. During my cool down stretches Laure walked down the parking lot with Champ (her 18 year old dog) and Molly. I also saw LaVie go by. And I saw The Runner; she was later than usual this morning.
Nineteen minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Seven minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Nine minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

The wall on the Lanipoko house is now a little higher in the front. One part of the wall looks like it has been waterproofed; I wonder if they are going to raise the front yard? Currently the front yard slopes down towards the old foundation; based on the height of the waterproofed wall it looks like the new yard would slope towards the road instead.

One of the ulu trees along my walking route is very prolific. If I wasn't on a low-carb diet I would try to meet the homeowner and ask for one. Oh well.

Dad was in bed having breakfast; CNA Jessa said he told her he was too tired to get out of bed. He ate half his fried egg sandwich and all his papaya; he saved the banana for later. Dad drank 120 ml apple juice but no water before taking a nap.

When I walked in this morning I noticed that they changed the flooring in the hallways; the previous new flooring was darker than the original flooring. The new flooring in the hallways is now the same color as the new flooring in the dining room.

I saw the boxes of flooring piled in the lobby yesterday.

I talked to Arielle from RevoluSun this morning. The layout crew will be at the house on Friday to begin the installation of the mounting rails for the solar PV. It is expected to be completed by the end of the day. The next phase is usually a week after that.

During my mid-morning walk the only regular I saw was Tucker & his human. On my return I discovered that the landscaping staff had planted some bromeliads near the area where I do my cool down stretches after my sunrise walk. I could also see Molokaʻi and Maui; some things I have read say I should also be able to see Lanaʻi but I'm not sure about that.

The new bromeliads.
Maui & Molokaʻi in the distance.

Lunch today was Garlic chicken, Brown rice, Tuscan mix vegetables, Garden salad, Carrot cake, and Thai chicken curry & rice soup. Dad ate all his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and 1&1/2 desserts; he drank 120 ml orange juice but no water.

I missed this movie again! I am really intrigued by their description of this movie.

I never got a call from Diamond Head Windows & because of all the activity in the afternoon I forgot to call them. When I got home I was too focused on getting dinner together I forgot again. Aue!

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to John D., Sili, & Brianna!

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