Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Bob's Bar-B-Que

We went to breakfast at Bob's Bar-B-Que this morning. They only have outdoor seating but it is covered. Curtis had the Breakfast Plate with 2 eggs & his choice of Portuguese sausage. I had the Kama'aina Plate which is 2 eggs, 2 scoops rice, Spam, & Portuguese sausage - NO substitutions. They also have only white rice & white toast. Since neither Curtis nor I are eating carbs right now we tried to give our toast, jelly, & rice to a homeless guy who was going through the garbage cans but he was so fast he was gone by the time we put everything in one to go container for him. So now The Roommates can enjoy it.

Breakfast Plate. (Photo by Curtis)
Kamaʻaina Plate.

Bob's Bar-B-Que is about a block away from Hawaiian Pie Company so we stopped by so I could pick up a frozen pie for Thanksgiving. Yes, I am already planning for Thanksgiving. And yes, I know pie is carbs. Based on my Halloween experience I'll just have to write off the next day.

I did my sunrise walk before I went to breakfast. On the drive up I saw The Runner about halfway up Sierra; I'm not sure how far down the hill she starts from. I also saw Paul & Bodhi near Sierra & Lurline and Mary near the top of Sierra; Kelly's surfboard was already in the back of his truck. During my walk I finally got to meet Cody & Rollie's human, his name is Roger; his dog sitter Suzanne was leading Cody & Rollie and they were the calmest I have ever seen them. Like yesterday, I saw Lynnette & June by the park then later on Lurline. I also saw Kavita on her way back down Sierra. I didn't see anyone during my cool down stretches but I saw Ken with Toto & Chico as I was leaving.
Twenty-three minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Twelve minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Five minute after sunrise on Sierra.

Because there were no traffic issues today I was able to get back up in time for my mid-morning walk; it had clouded up. I saw Ken out working in his yard. I also saw LaVie by the park walking up Wilhelmina with Tazzie & Kila. I didn't see any regulars during my cool down stretches.

Lunch today was Cheeseburger, Hawaiian coleslaw, Garden salad, Banana pudding, and Seafood chowder. I ate only the burger, tomato, & lettuce leaf. I shouldn't have eaten the coleslaw, it accounted for 12 of the 16 g of carbs in my lunch. Dad ate all of his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and 2 desserts. He drank 120 ml apple juice but no water.

Mr. Pires, Dad's roommate left this afternoon. His daughters are transferring him to a memory care facility where the residents are very mobile like he is; he has been very frustrated here. When he originally arrived the category they had him in required more care & supervision because that's what he needed; now that he is better he resents having the help they are required to give him in order to have services paid for by his insurance. There is no lower level of care they provide, so he is moving
to a more appropriate facility. I think it will be good for him, today he thought Uncle Larry was breaking in to this house and was about to start a fight with him; fortunately an aide was nearby and intervened.

I skipped the cranberry juice this morning since I knew I was going out to breakfast. Due to my choice of breakfast (and not eating the rice) I only had 6 g of carbs by the end of breakfast. Last night I dripped 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil on my low carb biscotti to increase my fat intake since I was a little low. Tonight I made Chocolaty Fat Bombs to give me a keto-friendly alternative "dessert" for when I need more fat for the day. 

Hula Halau o Kamuela danced in Fukuoka last night and Kumamoto today. They are touring with Grammy winner Kalani Peʻa!
A few of the dancers, Marissa is at the far left. (Screen shot from Instagram)

S'mores had eaten her share of food by the time I returned from my sunrise walk, Luna had only eaten about a quarter of her allowance. When I returned in the afternoon she had eaten a little over half her allowance. Luna appears to be learning to pace herself; she still had food available to eat late in the evening. Hopefully, Sʻmores will learn how to do that also.
Shortly after 6 in the morning.
Shortly after 6 in the morning.

Around 7:30.
Around 7:30.
Around 4:30.

During my sunrise walk I saw Sleepy Cat and Shiro; both were relaxing.
Sleepy Cat in front of Chipʻs house again.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to DanVo'nique! And Hauʻoli lā Hoʻomanʻo #8 to Jessica & Kent!

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