Saturday, November 30, 2019

Bathrooms Closed

As noted by Sai yesterday, the bathrooms were being worked on today. But they started before I finished the cool downs before my sunrise walk! Aue! I had to use the staff bathroom on the 2nd floor since the 1st floor is not open on weekends. Consequently, I skipped the mid-morning & afternoon walks so I wouldn't tie up the one bathroom on the 2nd floor with my sunscreen application and later face washing.
The date is wrong, it was actually the 30th.

During my drive up I didn't see any walkers; I think it was because the wind has changed and it has become very gusty. During my walk I saw no one on the circle; the first person I saw was Lorraine down by the park. The other day she sent me a photo asking about the bird in the photo; it was a Yellow-fronted Canary. She asked about another bird, which I think might be the Common Waxbill; when I saw her later on Lurline we were near an area where I see them a lot but none were there this morning. I saw The Other Wendy at her house on Lurline. As I was finishing my walk I saw LaVie in the distance coming up Sierra. During my cool down stretches I did not see any regulars.
Twenty-three minutes before sunrise on Waiสปalae.
Twelve minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Fourteen minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

Christmas decorations are starting to appear.

Dad was in bed eating breakfast when I arrived at his room. He ate all his fried egg sandwich and papaya, but saved his banana for later. He only drank 120 ml cranberry juice but no water.

Lunch today was Mushroom chicken (13 g carbs), Mashed potatoes, Malibu blend veggies (4 g), Garden salad (3 g), Ambosia, and Beef & rice soup. Dad ate all his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and 1 dessert; he does not really care for ambrosia. He drank 120 ml cranberry juice and 30 ml water.

I left about an hour after Dad finished lunch; I needed to finalize some things before The Roommates returned later in the day to help me move the extra bed out of the room. I am now ready for the window replacement work that will begin on Monday!
The extra bed has been removed.
My bed is going to be moved up against the things by the closet.
My bed has been moved and the window walls cleared.
I don't think Mom ever moved these beds and cleaned under them.
I bought this tonight to steam clean the floors.
The floor has been vacuumed but not mopped.
The steam cleaner is ready to work!
The newly cleaned floor.
I moved things back in to place for the interim.
The bed is in a similar orientation so I get out on the same side as usual.

I'm retiring this pair of shorts. It's a new pair of shorts; I've only worn them 3 times. I bought them because they were on sale! ๐Ÿ‘ And they were in my size! ๐Ÿ‘ And they had pockets! ๐Ÿ‘ And a drawstring! ๐Ÿ‘ But I forgot to check the inseam. ๐Ÿ‘Ž It's 2"; way too short. ๐Ÿ˜• They shall become a pair of sleeping shorts. ๐Ÿ˜ด

As I hoped it would, once it got over the load of carbs I ate on Thanksgiving, my body started burning fats again! The higher ketone levels showed up by about 10:45 in the morning; about 3 hours after the end of my sunrise walk. It stayed elevated through 2:15, but dropped by 4:30; about 5 hours after I ate lunch which contained 20 g carbs. I wonder what would have happened if I had been able to do the mid-morning walk as well as the afternoon walk? And, yes, I pee a lot; I stay well hydrated so I can sweat as much as I need to when I walk.
At 6:00 am, upon waking.
At 7:51 am; after finishing the sunrise walk.
At 10:44 am; still fasting.
At 2:17 pm; after lunch.
At 4:29 pm; no walks.
At 5:42 pm; after dinner.

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