Saturday, November 2, 2019

AutoDiet Wizard Almost Pau

When I got back this afternoon, I checked the Wireless Whiskers to see what it had established as the eating pattern for Luna & S'mores. And discovered that I had misinterpreted the message on the face of the readout. We are now in Day 3 of the AutoDiet Wizard. When it says, "Y'day 26m Wiz2" it means that yesterday S'mores (or whomever) ate for 26 minutes and today is the 2nd day of the AutoDiet Wizard. Not that yesterday on Day 2 of the AutoDiet Wizard S'mores ate for 26 minutes. So we have another day to go for the Wireless Whiskers to calculate the average length of time each cat eats during the 24-hour period. Here's what they ate yesterday.

On my way up today I saw Kelly loading his surfboard into his truck; he was gone by the time I walked past. But I did see Tina with Massimo, Ink, & Chloe Bacon on the circle; Ink acted like he hadn't seen me in weeks! And today Chloe Bacon let me give her a bunch of scratching! Further along I saw Ona jogging up Sierra, its her Saturday morning ritual. I saw Lorraine down by the park, she was headed up to the top. On my way up Lurline I saw Yun & Lucky, so we walked together; she said she got a late start so she missed Lorraine. Near the top of Lurline we saw Lorraine! The 2 of them then decided to walk around the circle together. I met up with LaVie and we walked together until I got back to Maunalani. During my cool down stretches I saw Lorraine, Yun, & Lucky walk by; I also saw Ken with Toto & Chico.
Twenty minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Nine minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Twelve minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

Dad was in the Orchid Dining Room having breakfast when I arrived; Mr. Watanabe joined him a little later. Dad finished only 1/4 of his fried egg sandwich but all of his papaya and banana. He drank 120 ml cranberry juice and 60 ml water.
I asked for a smile; I think I should stop asking him to smile.

At the start of the month they weigh all the residents; Dad got weighed this morning right after breakfast. He was 142.6 pounds; a little lighter than last month when he was 145.2 pounds. We'll continue monitoring his eating.

Dad's picture is in the MNRC newsletter again! Last month the Veterans Club installed new officers at their monthly meeting; apparently Dad is now a Member-at-large. Other officers include Mr. Omiya as President, Mr. Aguillon as 1st Vice President, Uncle Larry as 2nd Vice President, Mr. Kalaukoa as Treasurer, Mr. Izon as Secretary, Mr. Watanabe as Public Relations Officer, and Mr. Ikuma as the other Member-at-Large. Curtis will now have to remember to take Dad to the Veterans Club meeting on the 3rd Friday of the month.
(From MNRC Newsletter)

They also had photos of Polly's Doggie Baby Shower in the newsletter.
(From MNRC Newsletter)

Good News! Mr. Shinagawa is back! He actually came back a few days ago but I kept forgetting to post the good news. Mr. Pires will be leaving next week; his daughter's have found a place that is more appropriate for the level of care that he needs. I think it will be good for him; he was getting very frustrated with staff hovering around him because of the higher level of care that they are required to provide at this facility. He is too mobile & independent for Maunalani.

During my mid-morning walk I started out by seeing Rob & Lily as I was doing my short jogging portion; Lily was focused on a dog in the house nearby that was barking at her. Later I met Suzanne, she is the friend that Cindy & Jim stay with when they are on the island. I saw that Kelly was back from surfing when I walked past.

Oh, no! The fan has disappeared! There was a fan on the 3rd floor that aimed towards the elevator. If you stand right by the buttons, it was very cool. It was not there when I waited after my mid-morning walk. Then I remembered, I had seen Orlando earlier, going by with a cartload of fans. I am hoping they will be replaced soon.

During my cool down stretches from the 3rd floor lanaʻi I usually look for birds. Today while I was doing that I noticed that I could see Molokaʻi & Maui in the distance! It's a been a while since I have seen them from the 3rd floor. I like to imagine if Maui was not in the way I might be able to see the Big Island and the Kohala Mountains.

Lunch today was Chicken Florentine, Angel hair pasta, Lemon butter broccoli, Tossed salad, Pineapple cheesecake, & Garden vegetable soup; my soup was missing today. Dad ate all his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and 2 desserts. He drank 120 ml cranberry juice but no water.

I left about a half hour early today, I had errands to run in preparation for the new windows. Basically I needed filing supplies to get things out of boxes & bags & into the filing cabinet so it is easier to move things away from the windows when they come to install them. I was told last week the windows are in port but the warehouse is full so they don't have any place to stage them for installation. I told them no problem since I don't want to have them working on the ground below the solar PV panel installers who are tentatively schedule for November 11th through 17th; RevoluSun will let me know the prior week if that schedule is still valid. 

For dinner I finished off the leftovers from Halloween. In moderation and without pie it is somewhat low carb; at least, it is low carb enough for me. Using the Carb Manager app I found I can also track my exercise; I discovered for about 30 minutes of walking the app subtracts 7 g of carbs for my daily total! Winner! But what I have been doing is not adding the exercise in until the end of the day; I make my eating decisions based on no exercise. And there is a limit to how much one can exercise; I would have needed to walk for 6&1/2 hours to equalize the amount of carbs over 50 g that I ate on Halloween!

I'm back in ketogenesis! I am seeing nearly the same levels that I saw before I had my over-carbed Halloween day. I picked up more ketone test strips; I have almost used up the bottle of 50 that I purchased a week ago because of all the testing that I have been doing. No big deal, I prefer to figure out what's going on rather than just guess at what might be happening; getting data helps with that. Besides, you have to use the strips up within 2 months of opening the container (or the expiration date, whichever comes first). If I use one a day that is about 2 months; I'll do that once I figure out what's happening.
5:47 am, 15 mg/dL; upon awakening.
7:38 am, 5 mg/dL; after sunrise walk.
9:09 am, 5 mg/dL; before mid-morning walk.
11:10 am, 15 mg/dL; after mid-morning walk.
4:32 am, 15 mg/dL; after returning home.

Sleepy Cat was chilling in front of Chip's house this morning.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Malaea & Thi!

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