Saturday, November 23, 2019

Lunch Surprise

Lunch today was Pork yakisoba, Seasoned broccoli florets, Tossed salad, Fresh pineapple chunks, and Potato chowder. I had forgotten it was the yakisoba and resigned myself to having to eat carbs for lunch today. But when I uncovered my plate I got a big surprise; it was Parmesan chicken! That was today's alternate choice. I thought they had given me Chris' lunch by mistake; she usually orders one regular entree & one alternate so that Mr. Wise has a choice of meals. But it turns out she had hers as well; it really was an extra. I also had an extra soup. Dad ate all his peanut butter & banana sandwich and the pineapple. He drank 120 ml cranberry juice but no water.

During my sunrise walk I saw Cody & Rollie in the distance with Roger; a short while later I saw Ona jogging up Sierra. I didn't see anyone during my cool down stretches, but that was probably because the weather all morning was somewhat blustery & drizzled intermittently. I had also noticed that the birds were also in hiding; I did not hear any birds for about the first 7 or 8 minutes of my walk when I usually hear them as soon as I step out of the car.
Twenty-seven minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Eleven minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Six minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

As I went to start my cool down stretches I noticed that the inflorescence for the Urn Plant had been blown over by the gusts we have been having. I was eager to see whether there would be other changes in the inflorescence over time. Now I'll have to wait for another inflorescence.

I have been watching a shrub at the covered view point called Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow (Brunfelsia spp.). When the flowers open up they are dark purple, the next day they fade to a lighter purple, and on the 3rd day they fade to white. I took a photo today to document the changes it goes through; watch for photos in the following days.

Dad was eating breakfast in the Orchid Dining Room; he was sharing a table with Mr. Watanabe and Mr. Kaneshiro. Dad ate half his fried egg sandwich and all his papaya; there was no banana today. He drank 120 ml cranberry juice and 60 ml apple juice.

My mid-morning walk started out a little iffy; it was drizzling lightly as I left Dad's room. It had stopped as I made my way down the hall to the front door; then it started raining. But only for a couple of minutes; then it slowed down. I checked out the cloud cover, it was thinning out so I decided to go for it. And for most of my walk it was dry.
At 10:01.
At 10:03.
At 10:04.

As I was just completing the circle, Sharon came by; she stopped to talk about the Manu-o-Ku. A group she belongs to will be having a talk about the Manu-o-Ku and 'Alala; she is sending me the information so that I can attend. I saw Suzette working out in the yard. Then I saw Ken & Orion coming up Sierra, later I saw them as they were headed home down Lurline. I met Roberto and his dachshund Ula; who looks more brown than red to me. As I headed in to the parking lot, PT Jason was going to his house for his break; it started to drizzle on us! It was a refreshing end to my walk. As I entered the front door it began to pour! Perfect timing!

I skipped the afternoon walk and left early; I needed to get a cake and ice cream for Dad's birthday celebration tomorrow. I had to go to Foodland to get the cake since Times does not have a section where they bake things at the store. I drove around the parking lot a couple times when I found someone who was leaving; only problem was she was really taking a long time to start her car and actually leave. It turns out if she had left like a normal person I would have missed seeing Steph! She was coming out of Foodland just as I was going in. If I had gone in earlier I would have never seen her!

Tonight was the Hawaii Symphonic Band's fall concert; both DT and Brent are in the band. Curtis & Lori came in to town to see them perform as well.

When I checked whether I had been burning fat today, I found that I had been at a very low level of ketogenesis. I'll have to eat better tomorrow.

Before I left the house I heard Luna making a lot of noise. It turns out there was a cat in the back patio about 10 feet from the cat run; Luna was growling at it. I wonder if she would have attacked it if there was no fence separating them?

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