Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Bon Voyage, Roommates!

I took The Roommates to the airport today; they have started their trip to Japan. They actually started their vacations yesterday so that they had a day to wrap up loose ends before they left. I never seem to give myself that extra time; I kind of take it down to the wire! I dropped them off about 3 hours before their plane was to leave so that they would be sure to make it to the gate on time. Stay tuned for photos & stories about their adventures in Japan; they said they will post on Instagram & I can share things with you.

I was late getting up this morning; my Fitbit is acting up again and the alarm did not go off. Now it is telling me I have no notifications ... every 5 seconds or so. I hope this will pass in a day or so. A couple months ago it did a similar thing; it wouldn't hold a charge for more than a couple of hours.

I was able to get started on my walk at around the normal time by going straight up Wilhelmina Rise. During my walk I found out some sad news from Ken; his oldest dog Mele died yesterday from kidney failure. I also saw Cody & Rollie and their human down by the park as well as Kavita and Calvin the Recycler. Towards the end of my walk I saw Kelly & Abby in the distance on their way to the park. During my cool down stretches I saw Mike & Lori and the Dog Pack.
Twenty minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Ten minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Six minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

There was a chair in at the shelter where I do my cool down stretches; I think it is for the night security person. I used it to do tricep dips.

In my haste to leave the house this morning, I forgot my clean shirt; I had to stay in my sweaty, crusty, dirty shirt. I was glad I wasn't staying for the whole day!

Dad was just being served breakfast in bed when I arrived; CNA Jessa said he refused to get out of bed this morning. He ate all of his fried egg sandwich as well as the papaya and banana. He drank 120 ml orange juice but no water.

I skipped the mid-morning walk; I needed to fill up gas. I also wanted to make sure I got back home in time to get The Roommates to the airport early. I had to also unload the Subaru so I could carry all their luggage.

I also skipped the afternoon walk; I had an appointment with Vaughn, Mom's financial advisor whom we continue to work with now that Dad has inherited her accounts. I needed to make a decision on whether to do nothing or to begin taking payments for Dad. Although I have Durable Power of Attorney for Dad, I still need to have one more form signed by Dad for the financial institution records for the main company which is based on the continental U.S.; Vaughn said if it was totally local we would not need the additional piece of paper. Vaughn will send a notary to meet with me & Dad either tomorrow or Friday.

Vaughn and the company he works for moved to a new set of offices since last year. It is in a building that is zoned for businesses & residences on the first floor and residences on the upper floors; it is an effort to reducing commuting for people. Because the units they have are actually residences, there is a kitchen and full bathroom in each of their offices. He said they frequently have potlucks and the one today smelled delicious!

When I got up this morning, Luna came to greet me. What is significant about that is that she was out in the cat run when I went to sleep last night. But later she sat by the cat door trying to pull it towards her to open it; so I pushed her out through the opening. By the evening she had it all figured out! S'mores, however, is too afraid of the door or being out in the cat run to learn how to use the cat door.

I saw Shy Cat & Sleepy Cat at Dr. Mike's again this morning. They're becoming more used to seeing me walk by.
Sleepy Cat (L) and Shy Cat.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Aurolyn!

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