Sunday, September 22, 2019

Under the Weather

I woke up this morning with a massive headache. I'm pretty sure it wasn't because I was dehydrated since I had to get up twice to pee last night. It was more likely too much sugar from the malamode I had last night.
Here's the view this morning.

I skipped the morning walk. But later when I got up I had a sore throat, so may be there was something else going on; I decided not to go in since I wasn't sure what was brewing. And this would be the most contagious stage.

Perhaps it was the Universe at work because when I finally did get up about noon I found Luna walking on the top of the wall on the outside of the cat run! When she saw me she started meowing; I walked to the gate end and grabbed her off the wall. When I got her inside she was panting heavily; I was not sure if she had gotten in to something she shouldn't have, like eating a greenhouse frog or slug. Or if she was just overheated from being out on top of the wall. After about 10 minutes inside the house her open-mouthed panting stopped and she was just breathing heavily through her nose. I checked the cat run and found that The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes missed a spot when he was reattaching the netting; there was about a 2 foot section that was not secured at the top of the gate. If Luna had climbed out through there she would have ended up on top of the wall where I saw her. And if she was afraid of jumping down she would have stayed in the sun during the entire time she was outside the cat run and would have gotten overheated. I have now secured that section of netting.

It's a good thing The Roommates are posting photos that I can share with you. Otherwise this would be a lackluster post. Here is the Day 3 photo of the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden.

And here is the social justice saying for the day.

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