Sunday, September 29, 2019

Royal Flush!

Curtis went to Las Vegas last night; early this morning he hit a royal flush! Dad had just finished his breakfast when I got the text from him. Hopefully this won't be the last one he hits during this trip.

Today's morning walk was not as muggy as yesterday; in fact it was quite pleasant. I only saw Cody & Rollie & their human during my walk; Cody came to sniff my hand & didn't bark at me this morning. Later during my cool down stretches I saw Lorraine and Ken with Toto & Chico; there was no precip while I was cooling down this morning. Yay!
Eighteen minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Nine minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Seven minutes after sunrise on Sierra.
Ten Red-crested Cardinals eating grass seed meant to cover the bare spots.

Dad was in bed just finishing up his breakfast when I arrived. He ate 1/2 of his fried egg sandwich and all of his papaya & banana. He drank 120 ml of cranberry juice, 60 ml water, and 60 ml Breeze.

It was mainly overcast during my mid-morning walk, which was nice since there was very little breeze. I saw Romeo and Karpo at their house; since Melissa is doing most of the dog walking now its been a while since I've seen Romeo. Towards the end of my walk I saw Maisie & Daisy; because of the consistent training Maisie has been giving her, Daisy has become a very good dog. Today she only left her sit once but didn't bark or lunge towards me; she quickly went back in to her quiet sitting position.

As I was in the middle of my cool down stretches after my mid-morning walk, I heard the sound of a siren coming up the hill. As I finished my stretches, I saw the fire engine passing by on Sierra. Since its the weekend, I have to use the 3rd floor bathrooms; I saw the fire fighters coming down the hallway as I was headed to get the key for the bathroom. They were headed for a room on the 3rd floor. After I had changed, I saw the EMTs & firefighters leaving with one of the newer residents that I have not yet had a chance to meet; she was having shortness of breath. 

Lunch today was Roast beef, Mashed potatoes, Seasoned green beans, Garden salad, Blonde brownie, and Potato chowder.  Dad ate all his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and 2 brownies. He drank 120 ml cranberry juice and 60 ml water. And today was the first time Dad has ever spilled any of his drinks! I, on the other hand, have spilled 2 of his drinks and Curtis has spilled one in the time that Dad has been here!

Sunday is shower day for Dad; Curtis has been able to get him to take a shower by telling him he has ordered a Special Shower for him that is short and he doesn't have to do any work because the aides will do all the work. When Curtis is out of town I tell Dad that he ordered the Special Shower for him before he left; so far it has been working.

I decided to do my afternoon walk after Dad's shower since it would be cooler; it was! I saw Suzette coming the opposite way on the circle; she turned around and walked with me down to the park. There was less heat overall plus a lot more shadows that I could walk in and more of a breeze on certain parts of my walk. The only other regular I saw was Victor driving by. It was a more pleasant walk but I got back too close to dinner time and had to skip my cool down stretches in order to change and help Dad with dinner; looks like I'll have to do the walk before the late afternoon activity. 

I was originally going to take The Roommates out to dinner tonight to find out more about their trip; I forgot Curtis was going to be out of town this week & I would have to stay later since it's shower night. Dinner tonight at Maunalani was Memphis BBQ pulled pork sandwich, Steamed corn, Chilled peaches, and Cream [sic] mushroom soup. Dad ate all his 1/2 tuna sandwich but didn't really like the peaches. He drank 120 ml orange juice but no water.

Today my sun tea got brewed with no problems! The cats did not even knock over the new plastic bottle I am using now. But I am sure if I continue to do this there will come another time when they knock it over.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Amy & Isaiah!

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