Friday, September 27, 2019

Aloha, Mrs. Iseri!

Mrs. Iseri passed away unexpectedly today; she appears to have passed peacefully. She seemed to me to be in good health; I had talked with her when we walked down the hallway a couple days ago. She was one of the few kupuna who were still lucid; I will miss talking with her. She would always ask about Kai and always had something for him when he visited; he would bring her omiyage from Seattle. She would have celebrated her birthday in a couple of weeks.
Early birthday celebration, October 7, 2018.
Visiting with Kai, November 27, 2018.

Since I was "off" today, I don't know exactly when Mrs. Iseri passed, but I may have seen the firefighters and ambulance that responded when I was getting ready to do my mid-morning walk. As I was walking past the park, the fire engine and ambulance were leaving.

I could tell we had lost the tradewinds as soon as I stepped out of the car this morning. I saw The Runner twice during my walk; I also saw Lynnette, The Other Wendy, and Kavita while walking. During my cool down stretches I saw Kavita again and also LaVie.
Seventeen minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Seven minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Ten minutes after sunrise on Sierra.
The bees are all over the Schefflera blossoms.

After my walk, I worked on weeding the hāpuʻu again this morning; I think I will have one more day of weeding to do. I got a little sidetracked by removing a wild lilikoʻi that I found hidden in the other foliage; its fruit are only about the size of a nickel and are not really edible. I talked to Kelly for a short while before he went surfing; there was no wind so it was a good day for surfing. I told him if the ocean warming and higher than normal temperatures continue, I might talk to him about adding some shade cloth so the hāpuʻu can survive its first year and get established. Since he ultimately plans to remove the creeping fig that is climbing on the rock wall, he might be okay with some of it being killed back in order to place shade cloth over the hāpuʻu.
Wild lilikoʻi.

After I returned from walking I hung out the laundry I did last night. There were a pair each of Red-whiskered Bulbuls and Mejiros in one of the papaya trees going after the fruit that I haven't picked; I am kind of at the very end of the extension ladder.
Red-whiskered bulbuls.

For my mid-morning walk I decided to use the Omni-Freeze shirt because the sun was out and there were few clouds. Once again I wet it before putting it on; I think that's the best way to use its unique quality. On my way up I noticed Kelly had not yet returned from surfing; later I could see his truck was back. Still later, he drove by on his way to work while I was walking up Lurliine. He was the only regular I saw today during the mid-morning walk. But I did meet Mike and Marley, who is a 9 month old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Last night I decide to try making some green tea in the refrigerator; its been too hot for me to drink freshly brewed tea. I should look in to making sun tea; it should work really well with the temperatures we have been having! I used Moroccan Mint green tea; it is green tea with the addition of mint leaves. I really like its flavor as an iced tea.

Today was The Roommates' last full day in Japan. They went to Shin Okubo and Shinjuku. And of course, they ate!
Shinjuku. (Screen shot from Instagram)
Shin Okubo. (Screen shot from Instagram)
Dessert! (Screen shot from Instagram)

Hauʻoli lā Hanau to nephew Brent! Also Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Dwight and Mia!

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