Monday, September 30, 2019

Sekiya's Restaurant & Delicatessen

I took The Roommates out for dinner tonight; DT was unable to join us tonight. The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes chose Sekiya's Restaurant & Delicatessen for his birthday dinner; it is located right across the street from my high school. Some students would go to Sekiya's to buy lunch instead of getting a school lunch! The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes chose Saimin and a Hamburger; The Potential Most Favorite Roommate chose Shrimp Tempura and Nitsuke Ahi with a Green River soda, and I chose Nitsuke Butterfish with Tofu.
L to R: Hamburger and Saimin. (Photo by The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes)
Shrimp Tempura. (Photo by The Potential Most Favorite Roommate)
Nitsuke Butterfish with Tofu.

For dessert we went to Via Gelato and each of us got a pint of ice cream. The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes got Cookies 'n' Cream and Fierce Chocolate, The Potential Most Favorite Roommate got Green Tea Oreo, and I got Magic Chocolate. The ice cream I chose is a keto-friendly variation made with no sugar.

The tradewinds have returned! It's still hot but the light breeze makes it more bearable. I saw a lot of regulars today; starting with seeing LaVie on my way up. She was waiting for TheBus at the top of Sierra; I had passed it on my way up near Mikahala where it was pulled over & parked. I think the driver was killing time since it was quite early. During my walk I saw Mary & Noe as they were down by the park then again as they were on their way down Lurline. I also saw Paul & Bodhi by the park then later as they were coming down Matsonia. I only saw Calvin the Recycler once down by the lower end of the park. As I started up Lurline, Ona & Rio were about a block ahead of me, I never caught up to them since Ona walks so fast. During my cool down stretches I saw LaVie again, as well as Laure & the Dog Pack.
Twenty-six minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Sixteen minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Sunrise on Sierra.
Ona & Rio; I never caught up with them.

Dad was in the Plumeria Dining Room having breakfast when I arrived; CNA Jessa was on duty today & she has a great track record of getting Dad out of bed & in to his wheelchair. Dad was sharing a table with Mr. Pires and Mr. Watanabe. He finished half of his fried egg sandwich and all of his papaya & banana. He drank 120 ml orange juice but no water.

Kelly is back! She walked in to the dining room this morning and started working with Mr. Watanabe. She had left around January to work at Queen's Hospital; she's back to pick up some extra hours. I think they need her help since they frequently seem to be understaffed.

Dad stayed in his wheelchair after breakfast; he wanted to go upstairs. I had to use the bathroom so I left him in the Castle Living Room. When I came out they had started the morning program; singing & dancing by the Wakayagi Japanese Folk Dance group. It was strange not to see Mrs. Iseri in the audience. Dad stayed for the entire hour-long performance; then he stayed for the exercise session after that & actually participated in some of the exercises! I skipped my mid-morning walk & concentrated on decluttering my laptop memory!
CNA Philip pushes Dad to a good spot to view the dancers.

Because Dad was in the wheelchair, I asked him if he would like to eat lunch out on the lanaʻi. He said, Yes. It was nice and sunny when we got there, but quickly got misty & started drizzling; before he was done with lunch however, it was sunny again! Lunch today was Pork loin roast, Steamed rice, Steamed edamame, Tossed Salad, Strawberry cloud cake, and Chicken gumbo soup. Dad ate all of his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and 2 pieces of cake. He drank 120 ml orange juice but no water. He went back to bed after lunch.

I did my afternoon walk a little earlier than usual so that I could be back in time to cool down, get changed, & be ready to get Dad up for the ukulele session with Lynn & Gloria. It was hot & sunny! I was glad I had the Omni-Cool shirt. No one else was out walking in the heat.

Dad was eager to go to the ukulele session with Lynn & Gloria today. CNA Angie said he transferred very well & helped quite a bit with the standing up when they transferred him. I wheeled him upstairs, then left for dinner with The Roommates.

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