Monday, February 10, 2020

Things Are Getting Cooler

When I parked the car it was a little cooler than it was yesterday. As I was taking my reference photo for my sunrise walk, I saw Lorraine by the entrance to the parking lot; I waited for her to get up to where I was. We walked around the circle together. Almost immediately we saw Ona & Rio and Ona's friend Wendy who is visiting. Wendy & her husband were supposed to go to Nepal next month via a stopover in China to change planes. They could only reroute through Abu Dhabi for 3 times the cost, so they canceled their trip rather than take any chances with being exposed to the new coronavirus that is sweeping through China right now. Later we saw Mike & Dulci and Laure with Champ & Molly.
It was 64 degrees F when I parked.
Twenty-one minutes before sunrise on Wai'alae.
Nine minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.

Lorraine & I split up at the top of Lurline; she goes down Lurline on her way back home, I went down Sierra. I saw Ona & Wendy again, playing with Rio at the park. Below the park I saw Lynnette & June headed up Sierra. As I was passing Bailey's house, I saw LaVie a couple houses away, headed to Bailey's. We started to talk as it started to rain; we headed for the eaves of the garage. While there, Lynnette & June walked by in the rain on their way home. It was still raining when I finished talking to LaVie; I jogged up to the bus stop to wait out the rain. But it didn't look like it would stop soon so after a short rest I jogged up to the parking lot; a total of about 2 blocks.
Eight minutes after sunrise on Sierra.
It started to drizzle on the way up Lurline.
Still drizzling while I was standing in the bus shelter.

After I changed I went out to the 3rd floor landing to check in with Kai; there were a couple errands that he needed to do that I did not see confirmation on. He needed to get birthdays of his roommates so they could be specifically excluded on the insurance from using the Outback; I think that might be why it was cheaper. He also gave me Bear's birthday! He also needs to get the chip in the windshield repaired before it gets worse. And finally, I wanted to find out if the weighted blanket arrived yesterday; it did! But he was already asleep so he did not get to use it last night.

Since I was in the elevator with Jerome; I asked him about the roofing project. It is scheduled to take 7 months depending on the weather; they are starting with the central area, which is the section Dad is located in. Once they get all the scaffolding set up the noisy work will begin. On the positive side, the scaffolding acts like an eave casting a nice shadow so we can keep the curtains open for the view without it getting too hot for Dad. And it provides Dad with something to watch!
The crane in the lower parking lot and the porta-potty for the roofers.
The scaffolding outside Dad's window.

As they are reroofing they will also be installing the hardware for solar panels. RevoluSun is doing the solar panel installation but the project is being financed by a company that will "sell" the electricity to Maunalani for 25 years. At the end of that period the financing company has agreed to pay off the balloon payment on the loan as a donation and also donate the panels to Maunalani, earning them a tax write-off. A win for everyone!

Since it took me a little longer to get to Dad's room, he was done with breakfast when I got there. He ate half his fried egg sandwich; there was no papaya or banana today. He was given honeydew melon instead; he didn't eat any of it since it's too hard for him to eat. He drank 240 ml orange juice but no water.

I had trouble warming up again; I thought it was mainly due to getting a little wet in the drizzle. Instead of my usual mid-morning walk, I just walked around the hallways trying to warm up a little without running myself down. I am trying to avoid catching a cold or the flu. I'm glad I skipped the walk; there was another short drizzle during the period I would have been walking. In other health news, my right shoulder is getting better; the frequent self-massage is helping. Plus I tried to sleep flat on my back last night so I wouldn't stretch out the muscles that are hypertonic.

Lunch today was Chicken fettucine alfredo (6g), Mediterranean vegetables (5g), Tossed salad (3g), Orange pound cake, and Minestrone soup. My tray had no utensils! CNA Jessa gave me the fork from a tray for a resident who is fed only with a spoon. Dad ate all his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and 1&1/2 pieces of cake. He drank 240 ml orange juice and 240 ml water.

It started to drizzle again after lunch. It drizzled on and off for the rest of the afternoon. When I left the temperature had gone up just a couple of degrees; no wonder I was unable to warm up! The rain and cooler temperatures continued into the evening. The weather forecast says it should continue through tomorrow. Aue!

I skipped the afternoon walk; I had to get the RAV4 ready for Curtis to pick up tomorrow after breakfast. The low tire warning light was on again; I can take it to Harding Union 76 anytime without an appointment from Monday through Friday between 8 am and 5 pm. So that's what I did! They had to fill all the tires including the spare to get the light to go off.

After they were done checking out the RAV4, I went to the bank to deposit checks. While there I picked up a poster of Marcus Mariota for Michael the barista at The Newsroom whom we met last month while updating the insurance for the Outback. Michael is a big fan of Marcus Mariota.

I made another batch of Brussels sprouts for dinner. I had it with the lemon chicken and a piece of keto bread.

I texted Alexis tonight to see how crazy it was getting with all the presidential candidates running around; she lives in New Hampshire. She said, "It's been pretty wild! There have been a bunch of rallies around me. but the big ones happen a little further south of me. Bernie sanders campaign called my work (I answered the phone lol) to see if they could book out our restaurant for a Bernie Town Hall haha. It didn't end up happening here but it was still cool. Pete Buttigieg went there while I was working a little while ago too" Things should get quieter after tomorrow night. Unless, of course, they do an Iowa...

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Stan & cousin Eileen!

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