Saturday, July 13, 2019

Lunch with Uncle Kazu

What I was going to post last night is that Tomiko, Aunty Florence, and Kai went to pick up Uncle Kazu to take him to lunch. We went to Minnie's Ohana Lim Style. Kai had the Korean Fried Chicken, the rest of us had the Catch of the Day.
Korean Fried Chicken.
Catch of the Day, seared.

While they went to pick up Uncle Kazu, I was making my way to Hair Spectrum, to get my hair trimmed by Petra; I've been having her trim my hair for about 2 years now. And it was really in need of a trim! Our timing worked out perfectly; by the time they got Uncle Kazu to Minnie's and ordered, I was done with my haircut.

After lunch we dropped Uncle Kazu off at th hospital and went to the Ohaka to put up the chochin for Obon. We couldn't get the caps off of 2 of the 4 galvanized pipes used to hold the uprights; Uncle Kazu's friend Lefty had to come over with some tools to help us get them unstuck. Since it was one on each gravesite, we will be conducting an experiment; on one site we will use graphite as the lubricant and on the other we will use WD-40. Then next year we will see which one is better at staying unstuck. We are also setting up a "Chochin Bag" like Grandma set up an Okaha Bag. The Chochin Bag will contain the outdoor chochin, a pair of vise grips, zip ties, graphite and/or WD-40.
Tomiko (L) and Kai (R) watch as Lefty tries to loosen the cap.
Lefty couldn't do it so he handed the tools to Kai.

After lunch we forgot to take Uncle Kazu for ice cream, so we made arrangements to come back after we went to the Ohaka. We got ice cream at Kings View Cafe; we tried Ube, Mango & Cream, Kona Coffee, and Cherry Truffle. We took the ice cream back to Uncle Kazu & sat in the covered lana'i area with him.

I skipped the morning birding walk; when I got up my throat was sore so I decided to rest up and fight off whatever might be trying to make me sick. I got up at 7 and worked on removing the heliconia that was trying to come up under the weed cloth and spreading the 10 bags of red cinders that we picked up yesterday. There were a lot more heliconia tubers that I dug up than I had anticipated! We will be replanting them in the northeast corner where the pigs dug up all the other heliconia. I think I shall spread red pepper flakes over the newly planted tubers as Suzanne suggested to see if that will keep the feral pigs away.
This is how far I got on the last trip.
Removing the heliconia tubers.
Total 18 bags, I calculated 19 were needed to finish this section.

I also put stakes up to block the portion where the pigs broke through one of my pig excluders.

When I walked around the house in the morning I saw that the the orchid that Suzanne had bought for Mom's hatsubon is blooming again! It seems to bloom every year around Obon.

I guess I made the right decision to skip the walk in the morning since I ended up going to bed early because I was tired.

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