Monday, July 22, 2019

The Last Unicorn

I picked up a couple of the t-shirts I mentioned a few days ago. Jeff wasn't there, but another guy was; he was wondering why Jeff did not call when the adult sized shirts came in, he said there were now only 2 left, a small & a medium. I took them both since Kai now also wants to give them to his sisters as omiyage from his trip. When I got home and took them out I discovered why Jeff had not called; these are the youth sizes that we originally saw, not the new shipment of adult sizes! Aue! I should have checked when we were there. (The sales guy handled everything, I never had them in my hands until we got home.) Well, at least you are getting to see a photo of the shirt.
It's sort of biologist humor.

I was back at the mall this evening since Apple called and my laptop was back from repair! It took them a much shorter time than they had originally quoted me (the 29th); I am pleased! Not only was my old MacBook slow, it was also much heavier than the MacBook Pro; I had forgotten about that.

Even though I took a nap as soon as I got home yesterday, then slept through most of the evening, I still felt tired when my alarm went off this morning. Which tells me I was tired; usually I am awake about 10 minutes before my alarm goes off. I had a great morning walk! While walking I saw Mary & Noe twice, Calvin the Recycler, and Ona; Lorraine caught up with us while I was talking to Ona. I saw Ona & Lorraine again just as I was getting to the top of Lurline & they were finishing their lap around Maunalani. Later during my cool down stretches I saw Ken with the early-rising dogs.
Seventeen minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Six minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Twelve minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

When I saw Ona, I asked how her cataract surgery went; it was done the day I left for Kona so about 12 days ago. She was so excited to share the news about how much better everything was! She said not only is everything in focus, but the colors are also more vibrant. She has not had any of the side effects like the sensation of sand in your eye or itching or a little blurriness. She is having the other eye done tomorrow and is excited about that, too.

Dad was still sleeping when I got to his room; they brought in his breakfast about 15 minutes later. He ate half of his fried egg sandwich and all of the papaya & banana. He drank 120 ml of cranberry juice and 60 ml of water.

I tried the mid-morning walk today; it was overcast with a light, fairly constant breeze. It was great! But I didn't see any regulars today. I stopped & pruned the brown leaflets off the hāpu'u.

RN Supervisor Remy told me they are going to be moving Mr. Pires for the short term because he has an infection that they do not want spreading to Dad. He will be placed in a room with another person who has the same infection. In the meanwhile Dad will have a temporary roommate who is non-infectious.

Lunch today was Pork loin roast, Steamed rice, Steamed edamame, Tossed salad, Strawberry cloud cake, and Chicken gumbo soup. My soup was not chicken gumbo, it was tomato basil. Dad ate all of his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and 2 desserts; he drank 120 ml cranberry juice and 60 ml water.

Although the weather stayed overcast with a light breeze, I skipped the afternoon walk; I didn't want to overdo it as I recover. I also went to the airport to pick DT up; he was returning from Michigan where he was visiting friends. DT left the morning of the day that Kai & I returned from the Big Island, so they did not see each other on this trip. DT said it got up to 96 degrees F while he was visiting; I told him we only got up to 90 here!

There was a birthday card waiting for me when I got home. It was from my friend Misty; she & her daughter Ava were the first ones to come & visit me after I moved back.
Check back tomorrow for the punchline!

S'mores and Luna have an Instagram account! If you would like to see photos and short videos of them go to this URL -

Today I saw Mrs. Honjo, Mrs. Matsushige, Mr. Omiya, Mr. Shinagawa, Mr. Shiraki, & Mr. Watanabe. I still haven't seen or heard about Mrs. Akiyama, Mr. Crews, Mrs. Higa, or Mrs. Tanaka.

Hau'oli lā Hānau to Nan, Maria, and cousin DeeAnn! Also Happy Pi Approximation (7/22) Day!

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