Monday, July 1, 2019

Minor Complication

During the morning vancomycin IV drip the fluid started to pool in Dad's tissue in his forearm; they were using the intravenous port that they had been using since Saturday night with no problems. The standard is to change the intravenous port location every 3 days; he wasn't due for a change until Wednesday. Their concern is that Dad's vein collapsed, causing the fluid to pool. RN Diane, with special training on IV insertion, found a new vein; but on the 1st try Dad pulled away & the needle came out. LPN Chivas came in to help hold his arm for the 2nd try & I stood on the other side of the bed distracting Dad while Diane inserted the new needle. She was successful, Chivas started the pump up again and the remainder of the vancomycin was administered with no problems. I skipped my afternoon walk in order to sit with Dad while they were doing this; I didn't want him pulling on the IV line again!
Dad's second IV set-up.

Even though the cellulitis in Dad's leg makes it look very red & sore he says it doesn't hurt. This morning he got in to the wheelchair & went to the Orchid Dining Room to eat breakfast. He shared a table with Mrs. Pang, who is one of the more lucid residents. Dad ate half of his fried egg sandwich, all of the papaya, and all of the apple banana. He drank 120 ml orange juice but no water.

Before breakfast, CNA Jessa wheeled Dad on to the scale to get his monthly weight. I forgot to ask her what his weight was.

My morning walk was pleasant under a mainly cloudy sky with a light breeze. A lot of other regulars thought so, too! I saw Ona & Rio once on Sierra then again on Lurline, Romeo & Karpo up by the park, Mary & Noe on Sierra & later on Lurline, and Caroline & Olive as I was finishing off my walk; Wendy & Victor drove by, too. During my cool down stretches I saw Lorraine and Ken with the early-rising dogs.
Eighteen minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Seven minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Ten minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

During my morning walk I found a flattened coconut. It was quite interesting, there are no coconut trees in the immediate vicinity.

No coconut trees here.

I had skipped my mid-morning walk since Dad was due for his vancomycin; I'm glad did. Dad started out okay, but then started pulling on the line because he didn't understand why he had to have it. We got him to stop but perhaps he disturbed the needle enough that he caused the problems he began to experience with the fluids pooling in his forearm.

Lunch today was Oriental shoyu chicken, Steamed rice, Malibu blend vegetables, Peanut butter bar, and Tomato red pepper bisque soup. Dad ate all of his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and one peanut butter bar. He didn't drink any fluids with his lunch.

Sleepy Cat was out again this morning. But today he was not eating breakfast.
Sleepy Cat sans breakfast.

There was no paper today! Yay! They finally got I right! I hope... I found out that the Sunday paper was delivered yesterday after I left the house; it was by the back door when I got home. Now let's see if they can not deliver a paper until Wednesday.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Brad & Sandy!

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