Monday, January 20, 2020

Dentist Visit

I skipped the afternoon walk; I went to see Lori the dental hygienist instead. I was actually supposed to see her about 10 days ago but I was off-island so I rescheduled for today. The chip on my last molar on the bottom right has had an unintended consequence. Almost every time I eat something gets stuck there. The food getting stuck between my back molars makes me dig around with a floss pick to get things out of the gap. Since I've already got the floss pick in my mouth I continue with the rest of my teeth. Consequently the pocket around that last molar has improved! Yay!

During my drive up this morning there was a light drizzle for a minute or so as I was coming up the hill; it stopped by the time I got to the parking lot when I saw LaVie on her way around the circle. I later saw LaVie at Baileyʻs house getting ready to take her for a walk. They were the only regulars I saw this morning; I think it was partly because it started to pour as I was finishing my walk and during my cool down stretches.
Nineteen minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Eight minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Nine minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

I remembered my towel today!

Dad was eating breakfast in bed this morning when I arrived; he apparently did not want to get out of bed today. He said he wanted to "... stay home, I feel lousy." He ate half his fried egg sandwich and all his papaya and banana. He drank 240 ml orange juice but no water.

I had every intention of doing my mid-morning walk today; I was thwarted by the activities to freshen things up for the upcoming 70th Anniversary celebration that begins next week. Both of the 3rd floor bathrooms were being painted! Since it is a holiday the 1st floor bathroom is not available to visitors. Aue! 

As I was returning from my non-walk, I noticed a card posted on the dining room window. It was from the family of one of the residents who was there for therapy after a stroke. They were very creative; they used the name tags to create a heart!

Lunch today was Seafood pasta primavera (8g, sauce only, no pasta), Succotash, Garlic bread, Tossed salad (3g), Peach cream cake, and French onion soup. Dad ate all his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and 2 pieces of cake. He drank 240 ml orange juice but no water.

It turns out I was wrong about the holiday; I saw one of the staff that does not come in on weekends or holidays. It turns out they don't observe MLK Day. The 1st floor bathrooms were open. So I could have gone on my mid-morning walk. Aue!

My dental appointment was at 1 pm, which meant I got out at 2 pm, which would put me back up at Maunalani around 2:15. Which is around the time Curtis would show up, so I did not go back to sit with Dad. Instead I went to Kokua Market after I left Dr. Azuma's office; I wanted to pick up some things in case they close. There was an e-mail sent out last week stating that they needed to increase monthly sales by about $10,000; they also said increasing purchases from $20 to $25 per transaction would help them reach that goal. When they had their Friday dinners I was spending at least $25 per week; otherwise I was spending about $15 per week. I will have to see what I can purchase to get me up to $25 per week; it will make me sad to lose the co-op. Here's what I bought today.

My art homework today was to figure out what to do about the colors that are recommended in Colors of the West; 18 are recommended, I have 7 in my limited palette but only 2 are on the recommended list. I got on line and looked up a bunch of resources. I watched Angela Fehr's video on, "How to set up a palette for watercolor painting". I also subscribed to her channel to get notifications when she puts out another video. What I have decided to do is create a limited palette with one warm & one cool color in red, yellow, and blue. Right now I have a cool red (Carmine), a warm blue (Ultramarine), a warm yellow (Quinacridone Gold), and a cool yellow (Hansa Yellow Medium). I need to go to Hawaiian Graphics and pick up a warm red (either Perylene Red or Pyrrol Red) and a cool blue (probably Phthalo Blue rather than Cinereous Blue). I'm keeping the Aureolin; underglazing with Aureolin makes a painting glow. I'll also keep the Burnt Sienna; it helps create rich dark colors.

I began icing my knees again. I can feel the improvement almost immediately.

Well, I'm not in ketogenesis today. I'm not sure why I was burning fat yesterday and not today. I'll keep tracking it.

I changed one of the settings on the Wireless Whiskers automatic feeder; Luna & S'mores have learned how to trick the Wireless Whiskers and get more food so they are getting rather chubby. Instead of the doors being opened all the time and closing when a cat reaches its limit for the hour now it stays closed until triggered to open. I changed it yesterday; I showed the cats how to open up the doors. So far they have not really figured it out. But they have enough fat they won't starve before they get it!

I got an e-mail earlier today from Via Gelato. They had a sale on their pre-packed pints, $5 each rather than the usual $8. We picked up a few pints.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Maki-san!

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