Sunday, January 26, 2020

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

I told Curtis I wasn't going up to Maunalani today; itʻs Chinese New Year. Mrs. Loi always gives us fresh, hot jin dui at about 10 in the morning. Last year I wasn't here at 10; I got back around 3. The jin dui was cold. This year it arrived hot! The Potential Most Favorite Roommate received the jin dui since he was outside smoking when they arrived. I went over to wish the Loi's a Happy Chinese New Year.
Fresh, hot jin dui! Yum!

During the drive up to do my sunrise walk I saw Mary & Noe starting up Lurline on their walk and Ona jogging back down. During my walk I saw Mary & Noe again as they were starting on the circle. On my way down Sierra I saw Lorraine; we stopped and talked for about 10 minutes. As I passed Matsonia Cody and Rollie were coming up the hill with Roger. Below the park I ran in to LaVie; she was walking Tazzie and Kila. As we talked, Mary & Noe walked by us. The sun came over the hill shortly after that; I decided to turn around and walk with LaVie so I would not be looking in to the sun for the rest of my walk. I helped her by walking Kila until we got to the top of Wilhelmina Rise where LaVie turned and went downhill towards home. As we parted I saw Gwen & Carly with Kea up ahead on their way home. As I got back to the parking lot I saw Kavita. As I was leaving I saw Dean on his morning walk.
Twenty-five minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Fifteen minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Eight minutes after sunrise on Sierra.
My walking route today; a little shorter than usual.

LaVie and I had been talking about the White Cockatoo while we walked; she said it had been quite a while since she had seen it. I told her I saw it a few days ago. After we split up, I continued up Sierra; this is not my usual route on my return. A few minutes later I looked over and initially thought I the White Cockatoo because it was a large bird sitting on the roof of the yellow house! But it was bigger than the White Cockatoo and had ear tufts; a Great Horned Owl! But those don't occur here. Wait! Those aren't ear tufts, they're ears! Aue! It's the Popokilani Twin Cat up on the roof!
What's that bird?
It's got ear tufts! But there are no Great Horned Owls here!
Wait! It's the Popokilani Twin up there!

As I parked I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye; it was a small flock of Rose-ringed Parakeets in the ʻOhaʻi Aliʻi. They were eating the green seedpods; which I totally approve of so I don't need to be constantly pulling out the seedlings so they don't take over! So one invasive eating another invasive!

When I got home I called Reid  to make arrangements to pick up the Crosstrek Hybrid that I put the down payment on before I left for Seattle. I left a message for him. I don't think he works on Saturday; he did not call me back today.

I did the sheets on the bed that Kai was using while he was here. Since he and I left on the same day I didn't have a chance to do them earlier. Because of the concrete drilling in that bedroom on Thursday  and The Potential Most Favorite Roommate sleeping in that room on Friday while they were drilling the concrete in his room, I moved my suitcase to the foot of my bed; I have some things to take out of it before I begin loading it up again.
Yes, I slept with it at the foot of my bed. I only kicked it a couple of times.

After hanging the laundry, I noticed that the cover for the new outlet was missing. I texted this photo to John. he forwarded it to the manager of the air conditioner installation group so they can set up for someone to stop by and install the cover.

For my art homework today I was reading another chapter in Colors of the West; the one on greens. It also talked about making thumbnail sketches; I decided to work on those. I made 3 thumbnails: Luna, a sweet potato blossom, and a jin dui! But I think I am jumping the gun; I need to really work on the color charts before I begin to paint anything. A couple of the pigments were not in my original limited palette so I need to figure out how they mix with the other colors that I am familiar with. So back to square one. Literally!
Here's the field book I am using; it has 140# cold pressed watercolor paper.
What a nice model!
I got this much done ...
... then she rolled over & did this. May be about 15 seconds?
A flower! They can't move! Hmmm, but that  is blowing fairly constantly.breeze

Ahhh! The perfect model!
I'm just going to do the one on the far right.

I stopped at Longs to pick up some things that were on sale. There were also some things that I bought at the regular price. There was a sushi mold for making Spam musubi and a Spam slicer on sale; but when I got there it was apparent the one not on sale was a better buy because of how much sturdier they were so I bought those. I also got Kai some Spam and nori to go along with the tools.

Then I stopped at Pipeline Bakeshop & Creamery to pick up a couple of Ube Haupia Macnut Bars, Lilikoi Cream Cheese Bars, and Cream Puffs to take over to Curtis & Lori's tonight. It's Jenny's birthday so we celebrated with dinner and dessert.
Happy Birthday, Jenny!

My dinner; clockwise from top: furikake salmon, peanut butter miso chicken, sweet potato, & salad with southwestern dressing.
My dessert, clockwise from top: fresh strawberry, lilikoi cream cheese bar, ube haupia macnut bar, & 2 cream puffs of unknown flavors.

While there they were watching the anime, Cells At Work playing. It was actually quite enjoyable; the biology was much more accurate than Hollywood biology even though the cells were highly anthropomorphized. Since its on Netflix I should be able to watch it at Dad's house with the Firestick that I bought during Christmas. Why aren't American cartoons as informative?

There are detailed explanations.
The Anisakis.

There was a happy ending.

I took a photo of Salty to draw at another time.

I weighed myself this morning; I was 112.2 pounds, a loss of 0.8 pounds. I was also 27.9% fat and 48.2% water.

Still not in ketogenesis.
At 6:22 am, upon waking.
At 8:24 am, after sunrise walk.
At 10:50 am, about half an hour after eating a jin dui.
At 1:37, after lunch.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau also to Donna!

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