Friday, May 17, 2019

My Day Off

Curtis & I are experimenting with taking one day off each week as a mental health holiday; meaning we don't go to Maunalani to sit with Dad at all. We will, however, take a different day off so that there is still someone with him each day. My day off is Friday; Curtis is taking Saturday off. Of course, when one of us is off-island the other will cover those days, so essentially no days off when the other person is off-island.

I started my day off the way I have started most of my days lately, with a sunrise walk; today was no exception. It was dry when I left the house but started to drizzle on the way up, at one point there was a brief rain. But by the time I got to the parking lot it was a manageable light drizzle so I started my walk. The drizzle created a double rainbow! But it stopped drizzling by the time I was done with my cool down stretches. LaVie was not at the bus stop and I did not see her on her way up. I saw no regulars while walking but Kelly waved as he & Abby went by during my cool down stretches. And I saw Ken and the late-rising dog as I was leaving.
Four minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.

Twelve minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

My mid-morning walk was almost as dry as the morning walk; there was still a little drizzle. I saw LaVie as I was heading up; she was on her way home. Once again, I saw no regulars on my walk; I also didn't see any during my cool down stretches. And no cockatoo, either.

When I got home after my morning walk I hung out the laundry; it was partly cloudy. But that also meant it was partly clear & sunny. There were a couple of quick short very light drizzles; the worst though, was that the sprinkler for the back yard went on just as I got home from my mid-morning walk and went to check how dry the clothes were. I was glad I decided to check on it just then, I limited the potential disaster! The clothes were dry just after lunch so I brought them in and turned the sprinkler timer back on; I will have to reset it for early tomorrow morning so I don't need to be as vigilant on my next laundry day!
Only 4 shirts got wet from the sprinkler before I turned it off.

I also checked on the orchids; they had a rough time a couple weeks ago when the water was turned off accidentally. So even though the timer was working, the plants weren't being watered.
The last orchid Mom got as a present; the dried blossoms are ones that died when the water was off.
The last orchid that Mom grew; it looks like there are only 4 plants that are alive.

When I got home I also found the newspaper that I was looking for this morning. Once again it was on top of my car!

I started my afternoon walk a little later than usual because I was working on a project. I saw Mike working on weed whacking his neighbor's parking strip; none of his feral cats cats were around. But I did see 2 cats at the house next to Maunalani, Cat #12 and Cat #13.

Cat #12 (L) and Cat #13 (R).
I was looking at the cats so much, I walked in to the bush on the right (arrow)!

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Gary!

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