Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Decaf or Not Decaf?

I don't drink coffee. So I don't buy coffee. So I didn't know they color code the boxes so you know if it is decaf or not decaf! I bought the green box. Fortunately I discovered my error before I opened the box; but I didn't have the receipt with me yesterday so I went back today and exchanged the green box for the red box. I learn something new every day!

Just as I was starting my morning walk, the moa posed in front of the Maunalani sign! Other than that the walk was uneventful but pleasant. I saw Miss Paula again but we were going in opposite directions so we just said, "Good Morning" and waved. I checked the 4th hāpuʻu frond; it's unfurling nicely and so far has no dry edges. During my cool down stretches I saw Ken & the early dogs; Steph also walked by. Later I saw LaVie go by twice; she does multiple laps around the circle to get in her miles.
This is the same one that landed on my car.
Eight minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Ten minutes past sunset on Sierra.

Dad ate breakfast in bed today; CNA Jessa could not convince him to get in to the wheelchair this morning. He ate all of his fried egg sandwich, all of the papaya, and all of the banana. He drank 120 ml apple juice and 60 ml each of water and coffee. The coffee was decaf since that is all that is on this floor; we're trying to train him to start drinking coffee again.

As I started my mid-morning walk I saw Mike; he was taking his newspaper to his neighbor up the road. Later I saw LaVie and Kila trying to make friends with Kira's new dog, Bailey. But Bailey would have none of it; she's about a year old & acts fearful of anyone walking by.
Foreground Mountain Apple, background Avocado.

As I was leaving the front door for my mid-morning walk I saw a tree trimming crew cutting the Formosa koa up on the hill above the upper parking lot; they had already topped the dead portion of one of the koa trees where the birds like to perch! Jody was loading things into her car, I mentioned that LaVie wanted to pick the citrus & was hoping they would not be removed. Jody said, she hoped not, too; she said the neighbor complained about their view being blocked. I told LaVie about the work going on, I said I would let her know what happened. When I returned the citrus trees were still there, but the crew was chipping the big pile of trees they had already cut & it was close to lunch time. During my afternoon walk the trimmers were gone but the citrus trees were still there.

Lunch today was Honey ginger glazed chicken, Steamed rice, Pacific blend vegetables, Tossed salad, Chocolate cake, and French onion soup; the soup was pleasingly salty! Dad ate all of his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and all of the dessert; he drank 120 ml apple juice and 60 ml water.

The afternoon walk was also overcast like much of the rest of the day.Saw Wendy & Nalo playing with Bailey! I also saw Kelly up ahead with Abby, it looked like he just got back from surfing & it was Abby's turn for some fun.

As I approached the parking lot I noticed a dead bird in the road. It was a freshly flattened Zebra Dove. It wasn't there during my mid-morning walk; I would not have been able to see it earlier in my afternoon walk.

I picked a bunch of papayas when I got home; I saw that the birds had already finished off a papaya. There was an empty shell lying under the middle tree. Jenny wants 7, I left 2 out for Lois, & I will take 1 for Myriam. I told Shawn to take the rest for his co-worker; I will give the remainder to Marcus & Nora.

Last night I carefully measured out a 2 tablespoon serving of dressing for my salad so I would know how much I was really getting. It was rather sparse. Today I realized I needed more dressing; the salad was 3 servings so I ended up with only 1/3 the amount of dressing. Tonight I measured out 6 tablespoons of dressing; it was much better. However, the chipotle Field Roast sausage was not; it's too hot for me! Usually I can handle chipotle but not this one.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Traci, Evan, & Robin!

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