Monday, October 28, 2019

Dental Check-up, Again!

This time it was with the periodontist, Dr. Ching. I have a deep pocket by my lower left molar that was caused by the removal of my wisdom tooth that was next to it. Things get caught in that pocket and there is a concern about bone erosion. So I go to see Dr. Ching several times a year. Today he found that the pocket has not gotten any deeper. Yay! The dental appointment replaced my afternoon walk.

On my way up this morning I passed The Runner near the bottom of Lurline as she headed up; I thought I would see her again when I was walking but I didn't. I did see Laure and The Dog Pack, once on the circle and once again as she was coming back up Sierra. I also saw Lynette & June both going up Sierra & down Lurline. In the distance I saw Calvin the Recycler checking for cans and Lorraine as she made her way up Sierra.
Twenty-four minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Thirteen minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Three minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

Later during my cool down stretches I saw Lorraine walk by as well as Tina with Massimo, Ink, & Chloe Bacon. I hope they all made it to a dry place when the rain shower began! I remembered a little late that I had left my windows ajar to let the hot air out of the car.

Dad is still confined to his room so he was in bed eating breakfast when I arrived. He only ate 1/4 of his fried egg sandwich but all of his papaya and banana. He only drank 120 ml orange juice.

Today my mid-morning walk was very quiet. I saw no regulars and there were no ambulances & firetrucks. But I did find part of an egg shell and I saw another Halloween ornament.

I'm going to watch them to see if anything changes.

Lunch today was Chicken fettucine Alfredo, Mediterranean vegetables, Tossed salad, Orange pound cake, and Minestrone soup. Dad ate all his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and 2 desserts. He drank 120 ml orange juice but no water.

If part of a meal is not in the Fitbit or  Carb Manager app I look it up on-line. Do you know how difficult it is to find the nutritional value of just the chicken Alfredo sauce? (I don't eat the pasta.) I was expecting  to have difficulty in finding nutritional information for the Filipino food, but did not. Finding the info for just the chicken Alfredo sauce was more problematic; a lot of the sites had the nutritional information from pre-made meals. I finally settled on the nutritional information from a recipe for making your own low carb chicken Alfredo sauce; it is made without added flour to thicken the sauce so I think I probably got more carbs from the version I ate today.
Chicken Alfredo sauce with pasta.
Chicken Alfredo sauce without pasta.

On the way back from Dr. Ching's office I stopped at Kokua. I picked up some additional supplies to make Fat Head Pizza, a low carb alternative for one of my cravings. I think it is the fat in regular pizzas that I want; this pizza satisfies that craving! It was very filling; I should have only eaten 2 pieces.
I shouldn't have eaten that 3rd piece.

When I checked my ketone level this morning it was back down to 15mg/dL. So it appears that when my body is doing a lot of work that requires something to burn, the level of metabolites, e.g., acetoacetic acid, in my urine increases. I should have taken the test strips with me today to see what the level was after both my sunrise and mid-morning walks. If they shoot up after the walk that could be an indication that the fat in my body is being used as the fuel source since I don't eat a meal until after the mid-morning walk. Since I drink the cranberry juice before the sunrise walk, carbs might be providing the energy for that; but I won't know unless I check for ketone bodies in my urine. If its significantly higher than the 1st morning level then I think I can safely assume that fats stored in my body are being burned.

I've been doing some reading and have found that ketogenesis can start in as little as 3 days of being on a diet with less than 50 g carbohydrates. So it is possible that the reading I took on Saturday was the result of ketogenesis.

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