Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Final Lab Results Are Back

Dr. Griese came by to check on Dad this morning. The final results of the cultures for Dad's eye infection came back today. He has a Staphylococcus aureus infection in his left eye. Polysporin ointment is being administered in both eyes since the infection can easily spread to the other eye; his eyes are much less red & goopy today. The treatment will last about 1 week. Dad will not be allowed to leave his room while he has the infection since he would be highly contagious.

There was a nice light breeze throughout most of my walk this morning; sometimes it was even gusty! During my walk I saw Kavita on her way up Sierra. Then I saw Lynette & June down by the park; I later saw them at the top of Sierra. During my cool down stretches I saw Ken with Toto & Chico. It was a dry morning with not even a light drizzle though there were a lot of clouds.
Twenty-four minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Thirteen minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Three minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

Dad was in bed eating when I arrived; because of the eye infection he is not allowed out of his room. He ate half his fried egg sandwich and all his papaya and banana. He drank 120 ml orange juice but no water.

I skipped the mid-morning walk; Kai had a doctor's appointment and wanted me to be available in case he had any medical history-related questions. Sometimes I can't feel my phone vibrating or hear it when I am walking since I am concentrating on other things; I realize it later when I go to stop my walking app! He asked me what my address was, then he asked me what his address was!

Lunch today was Pork tofu, Steamed rice, Peas & carrots, Garden salad, Macaroon bar, and Chicken gumbo soup. Dad ate all of his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and 1 macaroon bar. He drank 120 ml orange juice but no water.

It has become apparent to me that if I don't walk I have less to talk about, I have less photos to share with you. I need to get back out to walk 3 times a day again!

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Falken, Julie, & Jillian!

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