Friday, October 4, 2019

Roofing Materials Delivered

Today the supplier dropped off the roofing materials for the work on Sunday; Johnny had called yesterday to let me know they would be coming. Originally Johnny was going to have them place it on the roof but decided against it so that he would be sure they did not damage the roof. He asked if it was okay to have the pallet of materials placed by the waste bins; last night I marked off an area for them to put everything.

This morning's walk was nice and dry! And there was a light breeze so it was very pleasant! On the drive up I saw the 3 Fox Terrier Lady finishing up her walk and Ona & Rio just starting up Lurline. During my walk I passed Ona & Rio twice, once on the circle about halfway through, then as we were both completing the circle from opposite directions. Later I saw Lynnette down by the park and during my cool down stretches I saw Ken with Toto & Chico.
Seventeen minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Seven minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Eight minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

While I was doing my cool down stretches a couple of walkers spooked the Kōlea that forages in the grassy area above the parking lot. They tend to fly to the top of a nearby building to get away and that's what this one did.

During my morning walk I realized that the second widowmaker had also fallen! It was off to the side of the road so it must have fallen some time yesterday after my mid-morning walk; I did not walk in the afternoon. I saw the fallen branch this morning. The only other widowmaker I can see in this portion of my walk is not over the roadway.

When I got to Dad's room he was eating breakfast in bed. He finished all of his fried egg sandwich, papaya, and banana. He drank 120 ml cranberry juice and 120 ml water. Yay, Dad!

I saw Executive Director Sai this morning; she asked what I thought about the new paper name tags. She said some staff had raised a concern as we get in to the flu season that the plastic tags previously used are not sanitized between users and could become a surface that could spread the flu or pneumonia organisms. So they have been giving out single-use paper stickie tags for the last couple of weeks. I told Sai that at first I was wondering whether the tag would stick to my shirts all day because I would be transferring it between my shirts about 5 times during the day. But then I realized, they only want to know who I am when I am in the building so that meant I could just leave it on my clean shirt & didn't need to put it on my walking shirt. She agreed.

FYI I used the selfie function of the camera on my phone to take the photo above. The phone software automatically turns the image around so it looks normal; Curtis' phone doesn't do that. His looks like a mirror image so the letters are backwards.

Besides changing the tags to reduce disease transmission, staff has to either get a flu shot or wear a face mask. We can also ask them about hand washing. Next week they will be starting a new flooring project.

After breakfast it got really sunny; I thought my mid-morning walk would be very hot. But as I got outside I noticed it had clouded up again; in fact, it was trying to drizzle for about a minute. I hid under an ulu for a short bit. Then it stopped but the clouds remained; it was actually nice walking conditions.

Lunch today was Thai chicken with basil, Brown rice, Stir fry vegetable mix, Tossed salad, Coconut cake, and Cream of broccoli soup. I don't remember having the Thai entree before but I must have since it is listed on previous week 5 menus Dad ate all his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich & 2 desserts. He drank 120 ml cranberry juice and 120 ml water.

I skipped the afternoon walk, I fell asleep again. I really need to get rid of this extra weight that is making me so sluggish. This morning at my weigh in I found I had lost another 0.7 pounds. Yay! But I still have 12.8 pounds to get down to 100 pounds and see if that is now a good weight for me. My previous optimal training weight was 90 pounds; if I'm still sluggish at 100 I will work to get down to 90. If I reach a point where I feel too weak then I know I have gone too far below my optimal weight. My waist measurement this morning was 34". What!? I was 33" during my physical with Dr. Pham 3 weeks ago. How can I have gained visceral fat while losing weight? Aue!

Later this evening I will be picking Curtis up from the airport as he returns from Las Vegas. It appears this was a successful trip for him hitting both a royal flush and a progressive royal flush!

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Cathy, Ilsa, & Ananda! And Hauʻoli lā Hoʻomanao #10 to Kari & Brad!

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