Sunday, October 20, 2019

Lunch Time Creativity

We ate out on the lanaʻi again. Lunch today was Chicken afritada, Steamed rice, Tossed salad, Assorted pies, and Thai chicken curry & rice soup. My tray did not come with a dessert so Dad only got one slice of pie today. Dad ate all of his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and 1 piece of cherry pie. He drank 90 ml cranberry juice and 60 ml water.
Cleaning his hands before lunch.
Mmmm, peanut butter & banana sandwich!

After lunch Dad started moving bits of food from one plate to another, then piled them on to the neatly folded napkin that he put on a plate; he poured about 30 ml juice over all of it and made a mess! (It sort of reminded me of the scene in Close Encounters of the Third Kind where the Richard Dreyfuss character starts making a sculpture out of the mashed potatoes.) I let him do it because it kept him awake and occupied; this is the longest he has stayed in the chair without complaining about his okole being sore. He decided he wanted his shower after that, so even though it was early, CNA Sharmaine gave him a shower since its his shower day. He did not complain at all!

On my drive up this morning I saw Calvin the Recycler starting his rounds; I later saw him while I was walking. I also saw Yan & Lucky on their way up Lurline and Laure & the Dog Pack at the top of Lurline. I also saw Sleepy Cat at Dr. Lothar's house but no Shy Cat. During my cool down stretches I saw that Yan & Lucky had caught up with Lorraine on the circle and were headed back down.
Twenty minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Nine minutes  before sunrise on Maunalani.
Nine minutes after sunrise on Sierra.
Sleepy Cat hangs out at Dr. Lothar's.

There was a very light mist towards the end of my cool downs but the cloud cover was so broad there was no rainbow today.
A very light misty drizzle.
No rainbow today.

Dad was eating breakfast in the Orchid Dining Room when I arrived; he was seated with Mr. Pires and Mrs. Akiyama. Dad ate half of his fried egg sandwich and all of his papaya and banana. He drank 120 ml of cranberry juice, 240 ml coffee, and 60 ml water. He had a conversation with Mr. Pires, who did most of the talking about the work he used to do. Several times; Mr. Pires also has dementia.

Dad said his eye was feeling better; the left eye still looked redder than the right eye. Yesterday LPN Chivas said the results of the swabs he did yesterday would most likely be back tomorrow.

Dad wanted to check out what was going on upstairs so we went to the Castle Living Room where RA Philip was leading the residents in exercises; Dad joined in. I skipped my mid-morning walk because I wasn't sure if he would stay for only exercises and I did not know what was going to follow. I did not need to worry, CNA Susie showed photos of her recent motorcycle trip in Canada; apparently her husband is into motorcycles, she just rides behind him. Dad loved it! Later Susie played a couple of videos, one was a countdown of most popular cities to visit in Europe. It got him a little confused; during lunch he thought we were in Rome. He told me about going through Rome before they got to the hill; I think he meant the hill he got shot on during World War II.
Susie points out herself in the photo.

I slept through a lot of the time after Dad finished lunch and we remained out on the lanaʻi; it was really hot and muggy. I am pretty sure it is the weather now that is making me lethargic. I skipped the afternoon walk so I could go home and cool down!

Just before I left I got a text from The Potential Most Favorite Roommate, Jon is going to come by tomorrow to do the yard. He wanted to know if there was anything else I wanted done. I asked to have the northerly papaya topped. When I got home I pruned the middle papaya, selecting the largest sprout in a good position. It already has flowers!
Future papayas!

When I got home I noticed a magnet on the refrigerator. It was of Devils Tower, the geographic feature that the Richard Dreyfuss character was sculpting in mashed potatoes!

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Tsi-Cy-Altsa!

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