Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Halloween at Maunalani

Maunalani held their Halloween celebration today; staff, children of staff, residents, grandchildren & great grandchildren of residents, & visitors were all invited to come in costume for the Halloween parade in the morning. I skipped my mid-morning walk in order to watch the parade. But it didn't happen in the morning; I got to see part of Thriller & listen to Halloween trivia instead. (It got cancelled about 30 minutes after it was supposed to start because the parade marshal wasn't there.)

Jody as Maleficent.
Marissa as Winnie-the-Pooh.

During the drive up this morning I saw Ona & Rio just starting up Lurline; further up I saw The Runner. Ona & Rio walk really fast; I saw them on the circle, then again at the top of Sierra as they finished the circle. We walked together for a short while. I also saw Lynnette & June as they walked through the park, then later as they were heading down Lurline. As I reached the top of Lurline I saw LaVie finishing the circle; we stopped & talked at the top of Sierra where our paths diverged.
Three minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
I think this is the Japanese Parasol, Coprinus plicatilis.

While I was talking to LaVie, Kai called. He thought I had some questions about what transpired earlier, but that was from an IM from last week. But we did have a great conversation. Earlier, while I was driving up, he had IMed me 3 times! It started with, "'s interruption in consciousness brought to me by my favorite medical implement: needles." And ended with, "Sending this from a cot on the floor. May be slightly discombobulated." He added, "Worst part? They didn't get a tube. I'm about to go have a rematch in five." Then, "They called in the X-Ray tech, because he's magic. I didn't even feel the draw." I wondered why the x-ray tech was better than the phlebotomist and was told, "I guess he sticks people a lot for tracers. But ... he can patter, so he's good at distraction."

Before they started, he did tell the phlebotomist that he passed out during blood draws but they didn't believe him until he started slumping over towards the floor! Apparently most people who say that are just afraid of needles and don't pass out. He was told to tell future phlebotomists, "4 out of the last 5 times I passed out," then they'll take him seriously! His PCP also decided she will coordinate with his prescriber so they do all their blood draws at the same time.

Dad was eating breakfast in the Orchid Dining Room; he was sharing a table with Mr. Miyahira. I the meanwhile Thelma from Housekeeping was sanitizing his room including his bed so that he would not reinfect his eye again. Dad did not eat any of his fried egg sandwich today but he finished all of his papaya & banana. He drank 120 ml orange juice but no water.
He really is happy to be out of his room.

Since he was in his wheelchair I was able to convince Dad to go to the Castle Living Room to see what was going on this morning. He started out with exercises with CNAs Gloria & Jay; then stayed waiting for the Halloween parade. While there, Czar took some photos of Dad for the upcoming Veterans Day celebration.

We ate lunch on the lanaʻi today; lunch was Honey ginger glazed chicken, Steamed rice, Pacific blend vegetables, Tossed salad, Layer cake, and French onion soup. Dad ate all of  his 1/2 peanut butter & banana sandwich and 1 piece of chocolate cake. He drank 120 ml cranberry juice, 120 ml orange juice but no water.
Watching airplanes fly by on their way to the airport.

I slept through my afternoon walk again. I am wondering if the fatigue I am feeling is from getting used to being in ketogenesis. I am hoping as I drop the extra weight I will also get rid of the fatigue.

While checking my ketone levels this morning I realized I need to have at least one day where I skip the cranberry juice in the morning to get a real baseline for what my body is doing. I'll try that tomorrow. In the meanwhile, when I checked 1st thing this morning I was at about 15 mg/dL which is higher than yesterday. Then it seemed to drop after my sunrise walk. Even though I skipped my mid-morning walk, my level was 40 mg/dL, the same as yesterday at midday. (I had just finished lunch when I checked it today.)
5:42 am, 15 mg/dL.
7:50 am, between 5 and 15 mg/dL.
12:19 pm, 40 mg/dL.
5:59 pm, between 15 & 40 mg/dL.

Last night I cleaned up the Wireless Whiskers, corrected the date & time, reset the tags for Luna & S'mores, and put the tags on their collars. The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes filled up the feeder and I set it to the AutoDiet Wizard. It will stay on that setting for the next 3 days, recording how many minutes each of them spends eating during the 24-hour period. At the end of 3 days it will set the average amount of time as the "Allowed" limit for eating. The Roommates can then determine whether they want to put them on a reducing diet (by decreasing the allowed eating time) or let them eat that amount of food. When they reach their "Allowed" limit the feeder closes so they can't eat any more until the start of the next 24-hour period which starts at midnight. Here's how long they had been eating by around 4 pm this afternoon.

As I was starting mt sunrise walk, Popokilani went running by on the road. I think she had been hunting in the neighbor's yard. Later I saw the Lion Cat, its hair has grown out a bit so it doesn't quite have the same look as it did earlier.
Popokilani heading down the driveway to Maunalani.
Lion Cat.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to David, Owana, & Kai 2!

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